The Possibility of Evil Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 71 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Possibility of Evil Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 71 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 1: "The Possibility of Evil".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Miss Strangeworth thinks that people everywhere are "degraded" (425). What does this mean that she thinks about people?
(a) They can be ranked according to how good or bad they are.
(b) They have fallen below the standards of moral, civilized life.
(c) They are easily led into evil actions.
(d) They try to sneak around and do bad things without getting caught.

2. What causes Miss Strangeworth to say that the Cranes' baby will expect luxury all of her life?
(a) The way that Helen Crane fusses over the baby.
(b) The baby's beautiful features.
(c) The baby's fancy hat and stroller cover.
(d) The Cranes' wealth.

3. What does Miss Strangeworth's nice cream-colored stationery say at the top?
(a) Miss Adela Strangeworth.
(b) It is monogrammed with her initials.
(c) Strangeworth House.
(d) The Strangeworths.

4. What letter does Miss Strangeworth think about writing to the school board?
(a) One that accuses the principal of having an affair with a secretary.
(b) One that accuses the librarian of stealing from the library fund.
(c) One that asks how the chemistry teacher can afford such a fancy car.
(d) One that accuses a student of drinking during the school day.

5. What does Miss Strangeworth tell Helen Crane about her worries?
(a) All babies develop differently.
(b) She should talk with her baby's doctor.
(c) She should talk with her husband.
(d) They are just another example of the anxieties Helen has always had.

Short Answer Questions

1. On what street does Miss Strangeworth live?

2. Who is the author of "The Possibility of Evil"?

3. According to the narrator, how do the townspeople feel about Miss Strangeworth and her house and her roses?

4. Miss Strangeworth thinks about the Cranes "indulgently" (421). How does she think about them?

5. What detail is included to show that Miss Chandler is upset about something?

(see the answer key)

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