The Possessed Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Possessed Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who kills Kirilov?
(a) Shatov.
(b) Liputin.
(c) He kills himself.
(d) Peter.

2. Who chases after Lisa when she leaves Stavrogin's house?
(a) Liputin.
(b) Peter.
(c) Shatov.
(d) Stavrogin.

3. Why are workers from the Spigulin factory massing in the street?
(a) They are organizing themselves for the new, post-revolutionary society.
(b) They are petitioning for the governor to intervene in a payment dispute.
(c) They are enjoying their day off.
(d) They are demanding the release of political prisoners.

4. Why do the townspeople think the Lebyatkins were killed?
(a) To limit the radicals' liabilities.
(b) To avenge their persecution of the aristocrats.
(c) To punish them for blackmailing the radical group.
(d) To free Stavrogin to have his affair with Lisa Tushin.

5. Who does the chief of police begin to arrest?
(a) The people who disseminate radical literature.
(b) The people who set fire to the hall.
(c) The people who bring alcohol into the fête.
(d) The people who complain about the lack of food.

6. Russia's salvation seems to reside where, in Dostoevsky's opinion?
(a) In the Church.
(b) In the radicals.
(c) In the peasants.
(d) In the monarchy.

7. For whom are the swine a metaphor in the story of Luke?
(a) Captain and Mary Lebyatkin.
(b) Mrs. Lembke and her young radicals.
(c) Peter and his revolutionaries.
(d) Stavrogin and voluptuaries like him.

8. Why is Peter intent on killing Shatov?
(a) Because Shatov knows too much about his plans.
(b) From an insult years ago.
(c) Out of envy for Stepan's regard for Shatov.
(d) Out of love for Shatov's wife.

9. What kind of speech does Stepan Verkhovensky give?
(a) An attack on materialism.
(b) A justification of revolutionary acts.
(c) A jeremiad against the people themselves.
(d) A defense of high culture.

10. What resonance does the story of the swine from Luke have with the novel?
(a) Dostoevsky appears to believe that lovers are possessed by demons.
(b) Dostoevsky appears to believe that Russia is possessed by demons.
(c) Dostoevsky appears to believe that revolutionaries are possessed by demons.
(d) Dostoevsky appears to believe that educated people are possessed by demons.

11. Whom does Lisa find after she leaves Stavrogin's?
(a) Drozdov.
(b) Liputin.
(c) Peter.
(d) Shatov.

12. What had some poor people done to prepare for the fête?
(a) Stolen money from Lembke.
(b) Broken into the banquet hall.
(c) Moved away to make room for Lembke's guests.
(d) Pawned their belongings to buy gowns.

13. Who does Peter leave Virginsky's house to meet?
(a) Kirilov and Stavrogin.
(b) Lisa Tushin.
(c) His father.
(d) Captain Lebyatkin.

14. What does Lisa overhear of Stavrogin's conversation with Peter?
(a) She hears that Stavrogin killed Mary and Captain Lebyatkin.
(b) She hears taht Peter killed Mary and Captain Lebyatkin.
(c) She hears that Fedka killed Mary and Captain Lebyatkin.
(d) She hears that Stavrogin knows who killed Mary and Captain Lebyatkin.

15. Who kills Shatov?
(a) Peter.
(b) Stavrogin.
(c) Virginsky.
(d) Liputin.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Stepan Verkhovensky find in his wanderings?

2. What is the narrator's response to Stepan Verkhovensky's reaction to the search of Peter's house?

3. Where does Stepan Verkhovensky wander into in the beginning of Chapter 7 of Part 3?

4. How has public opinion shifted on the eve of the fête?

5. Who does Peter blame for Mary and Captain Lebyatkin's murder?

(see the answer keys)

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