The Possessed Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Possessed Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What condition does Mrs. Lembke impose on people who want to come to her party?
(a) Guests must volunteer to subvert the rich.
(b) Guests must read a radical essay by Peter Verkhovensky.
(c) Guests must purchase a subscription to her new literary magazine.
(d) Guests must pledge loyalty to the Czar.

2. What would normally happen to youth who behave as these youth are behaving?
(a) They would be sacrificed for the country in war.
(b) They would work for the candidate who won.
(c) They would be rewarded with status in the church.
(d) They would be sent to Siberia.

3. What rumors is Peter spreading in the days before the fête?
(a) That Mrs. Lembke is an anarchist.
(b) That Stavrogin is a government spy.
(c) That Mr. Lembke is having an affair.
(d) That Verkhovensky is a murderer.

4. What accusation does Mrs. Stavrogin make of Stepan Verkhovensky?
(a) She accuses him of being a dilettante and a fraud.
(b) She accuses him of conspiring against the government.
(c) She accuses him of stealing from her.
(d) She accuses him of having seduced Dasha.

5. How does the Verkhovensky circle feel about Nicholas Stavrogin?
(a) They are impressed with his wealth.
(b) They mock him for his pretentiousness.
(c) They admire his charisma.
(d) They are afraid of his temper.

6. Who is Mr. Lembke?
(a) Captain Lebyatkin's brother-in-law.
(b) Mrs. Stavrogin's lawyer.
(c) A judge in the district where Stavrogin dueled.
(d) A German member of the elite.

7. Why has Gaganov been insulting Stavrogin?
(a) Gaganov has a temperamental hostility to Stavrogin.
(b) Stavrogin has insulted Gaganov's father years ago.
(c) Stavrogin has seduced Gaganov's wife.
(d) Stavrogin has corrupted Gaganov's sister.

8. What imputation does Liputin make about Nicholas Stavrogin in his conversation with Kerkhovensky?
(a) That Nicholas is mad.
(b) That Nicholas is disreputable.
(c) That Nicholas is a radical agitator.
(d) That Nicholas is dying.

9. What plan does Mrs. Stavrogin make for Verhovensky?
(a) She sends her Verkhovensky to get her son from prison.
(b) She asks him to marry Dasha.
(c) She asks him to bring her son home.
(d) She asks him to tutor her son.

10. What causes Mrs. Stavrogin to separate with Stepan Verkhovensky?
(a) Stepan's unconscionable behavior.
(b) Stepan's radical views.
(c) Peter's antics about Dasha.
(d) Peter's insults.

11. What did Nicholas think of Mary Lebyatkin after he got to know her?
(a) He thought she was unredeemably lost.
(b) He thought she was secretly malicious.
(c) He thought she was better than anyone he knew.
(d) He thought she was a tease.

12. Who acts as Gaganov's second in the duel?
(a) Liputin.
(b) Mr. Drozdov.
(c) Mr. Lemke.
(d) Shatov.

13. Who is Shatov?
(a) A local official.
(b) A former student of Verkhovensky's.
(c) A local doctor.
(d) A banker from Moscow.

14. Mrs. Lembke bestows her favors in spite of what?
(a) The insults she receives from the local elite.
(b) The degeneration of the youths' behavior.
(c) The jokes the local writers make at her expense.
(d) Her ignorance of all diplomatic matters.

15. Whose influence has Mr. Lembke come under?
(a) His son's.
(b) Mrs. Stavrogin's.
(c) Peter Verkhovensky's.
(d) His wife's.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens on Stavrogin's third shot?

2. What is Gaganov's response to Kirilov?

3. What is Stepan and Peter Verkhovensky's relationship like?

4. What is Verkhovensky ashamed of?

5. What do we find out about Dasha after the duel?

(see the answer keys)

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