The Possessed Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Possessed Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part III, Chapter 3, The End of a Love Affair and Chapter 4, The Last Decision.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What would normally happen to youth who behave as these youth are behaving?
(a) They would be rewarded with status in the church.
(b) They would be sacrificed for the country in war.
(c) They would be sent to Siberia.
(d) They would work for the candidate who won.

2. What accusation does Mrs. Stavrogin make of Stepan Verkhovensky?
(a) She accuses him of stealing from her.
(b) She accuses him of having seduced Dasha.
(c) She accuses him of being a dilettante and a fraud.
(d) She accuses him of conspiring against the government.

3. When does Part II, Chapter 3 begin?
(a) A week after the confrontation at Mrs. Stavrogin's house.
(b) The day of the duel between Stavrogin and Gaganov.
(c) The day after the duel between Stavrogin and Gaganov.
(d) The day of the uprising.

4. Why is Nicholas Stavrogin demoted?
(a) Because of his gambling debts.
(b) Because of insubordination.
(c) Because he stole from another officer.
(d) Because he fought a duel.

5. How does Stepan Verkhovensky react to the search of Peter's house?
(a) He resists the search with force.
(b) He hides in a closet.
(c) He runs away.
(d) He helps the police.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Stepan Verkhovensky's employment?

2. Who do the townspeople believe killed Mary and Captain Lebyatkin?

3. What outrageous act does a local lieutenant commit?

4. What does Mrs. Stavrogin want to find out at the beginning of Chapter 5?

5. Who alone knows the purpose of the meeting at Virginsky's house?

(see the answer key)

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