The Portable Dorothy Parker Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Portable Dorothy Parker Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 201 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "The Willow," during what month is the earth "sweet" and "young."
(a) June.
(b) April.
(c) May.
(d) March.

2. What is the one "edged" thing in the poem "Midnight"?
(a) The blades of grass.
(b) The narrator's heart.
(c) The cresent moon.
(d) The rustling leaves.

3. In the story "Lady With a Lamp," how long has Mona been in bed?
(a) Almost three days.
(b) Nearly two weeks.
(c) Over a month.
(d) Almost six weeks.

4. How does Mrs. Murdock feel about her dress as she leaves her visit with Miss Noyes and Lily Wynton?
(a) She feels a tenderness toward her clothes because they are her own.
(b) She is embarrassed by the plain style and color.
(c) The dress makes her feel like an actress on stage.
(d) She wants to alter it to look more like Lily Wynton's dress.

5. How does Herbie react when Hazel begins to drink Scotch?
(a) He does not know since she drinks in secret.
(b) He is happy that she is loosening up.
(c) He is worried that she is drinking too much.
(d) He says that Scotch is not lady-like.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the message behind the poem "Fable"?

2. What does the narrator of "Guinevere At Her Fireside" say about the bravest man?

3. What important lesson has "The Little Old Lady in Lavender Silk" learned from life?

4. What excuse does the narrator suggest would have been better to explain Mona's "illness"?

5. What does the girl in "The Last Tea" think about girls who drink alcohol.

Short Essay Questions

1. What kind of advice do the poems "Prologue to a Saga" and "The Lady's Reward" give to women?

2. Compare the poems "Ultimatum" and "Requiescat." How are they similar?

3. In the story, "Lady With a Lamp," what is Mona's illness?

4. Compare the poems "Bric-A-Brac," "Fulfillment," and "Theory." What do these poems have in common?

5. Explain the allusions in the poem "Guinevere At Her Fireside."

6. Compare the poems "Star Light, Star Bright--" and "Purposely Ungrammatical Love Song." How are they similar?

7. What is the cause of Mr. and Mrs. Weldon's divorce in the short story "Too Bad"?

8. How does the narrator of "Lady With a Lamp" make Mona feel worse rather than better?

9. What story is told through the poem "There Was One"?

10. In "Soldiers of the Republic," what does the narrator learn about the life of a soldier?

(see the answer keys)

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