The Portable Dorothy Parker Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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The Portable Dorothy Parker Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 201 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does the woman in "The Waltz" respond to the young man who asks her to dance?
(a) She politely refuses and waits for another man to ask.
(b) She pretends that she is waiting for someone.
(c) She accepts, but then mentally complains the whole time.
(d) She turns him down and then laughs about him after he leaves.

2. What surprises the woman at the dinner party about Katherine Burke in the story "Arrangement in Black and White"?
(a) She had never noticed that her skin was dark.
(b) She had never noticed how thick her waist was.
(c) She did not realize how short she was.
(d) She had not known that she wore a wig.

3. In "The Standard of Living," what is the cost of the necklace in the window?
(a) $25,000.
(b) $10,000.
(c) $150,000.
(d) $250,000.

4. In the poem "Braggart," why does the narrator claim to be better off than her reader?
(a) She has learned to be happy without a lover.
(b) She will die young and remain beautiful and young while others will grow old.
(c) She has lived a full life and loves herself more than any man.
(d) She knows how to make a man love her even if he is taken.

5. In "A Telephone Call," what name the man on the phone uses what name to address the women?
(a) Honey.
(b) Baby.
(c) Darling.
(d) Sugar.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where are the couple in the train car headed?

2. How does Mr. Durant plan to get rid of the stray dog?

3. How does Mimi describe her husband's visit when her friend calls?

4. What animal did the last of Hobie's decorators collect and add to his decor?

5. Where do Annabel and Midge walk on their free afternoons?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is the girl in "The Sexes" rude to the young man?

2. Explain the irony in the poem "The False Friends."

3. What does Mr. Durant's reaction to Rose's situation and her departure reveal about him?

4. What message about love is conveyed by the poem "A Very Short Song"?

5. In "Arrangement in Black and White," what do the woman's behavior and comments at the dinner party reveal about her?

6. What is ironic about Mrs. Martindale's volunteer efforts in the short story, "Song of the Shirt, 1941"?

7. Why does the woman in "The Waltz" agree to dance with the young man even though she does not want to?

8. How might Mrs. Martindale solve Mrs. Wyman's problem and her own at the same time?

9. In the story "Dusk Before Fireworks," why does Kit try to pretend that she is not bothered by the attention that other women pay to Hobie?

10. How are the poems "Somebody's Song," "Unfortunate Coincidence," and "Comment" similar?

(see the answer keys)

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