The Portable Beat Reader Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Portable Beat Reader Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is a former girlfriend of Jack Kerouac and wrote a book called "Minor Characters" about some of the lesser known people in Beat circles?
(a) Jan Anderson.
(b) Anna Smith.
(c) Joyce Johnson.
(d) Carolyn Cassady.

2. Which poem of Diane DiPrima's is an attack on Gary Snyder's conception of women as mere carriers of children?
(a) "Song for Baby-O."
(b) "The Practice of Magical Evocation."
(c) "Three Laments."
(d) "Brass Furnace Going Out: Song, after an Abortion."

3. "Poem from Jail" discusses the necessity of banning ____________.
(a) Religion.
(b) Pornography.
(c) Nuclear weapons.
(d) Communism.

4. In what year does William Burroughs Junior go to visit his father in "Tales of Beatnik Glory"?
(a) 1958.
(b) 1965.
(c) 1970.
(d) 1961.

5. Who cuts off someone's fingers in the poem "Nova Express"?
(a) A grandmother.
(b) A mother.
(c) A handicapped man.
(d) A little girl.

6. Where was Tuli Kupferberg from?
(a) Los Angeles.
(b) San Francisco.
(c) New York City.
(d) Memphis.

7. Where does Highway Ninety-Nine begin?
(a) New York.
(b) Chicago.
(c) Washington.
(d) Kansas.

8. Who is the author of "I Have Given Fair Warning"?
(a) Philip Lamantia.
(b) Allen Ginsberg.
(c) Diane DiPrima.
(d) Philip Whalen.

9. What was the name of Gary Snyder's father?
(a) Ezekiel.
(b) Mark.
(c) Henry.
(d) Harold.

10. When did Lew Welch enlist in the Army Air Corp?
(a) 1947.
(b) 1946.
(c) 1944.
(d) 1951.

11. What Italian immigrants to America accused of anarchy are referred to in the poem "April Fool Birthday Poem for Grandpa"?
(a) Legari and Antoni.
(b) Sacco and Vanzetti.
(c) Bacco and Minusi.
(d) Ancini and Rossi.

12. Which poem of Peter Orlovsky's is included in the anthology?
(a) "Lament Lament."
(b) "Song."
(c) "Lepers Cry."
(d) "Lover Cry."

13. Whom does Philip Whalen write of drinking with in "Prose Take-Out Portland 13:ix:58"?
(a) Gregory Corso.
(b) Jack Kerouac.
(c) Neal Cassady.
(d) Allen Ginsberg.

14. In the poem "Les Luths," Frank O'Hara writes of wondering what _______________ is doing.
(a) Allen Ginsberg.
(b) Jack Kerouac.
(c) Neal Cassady.
(d) Gary Snyder.

15. "The Day Lady Died" is a description of everything O'Hara did the day who died?
(a) Queen Victoria.
(b) Queen Elizabeth.
(c) Billie Holliday.
(d) Gracie Jones.

Short Answer Questions

1. What newsletter was created by Diane DiPrima and LeRoi Jones?

2. Where was Ed Sanders born?

3. When was Diane DiPrima born?

4. Who wrote "Sourdough Mountain Lookout"?

5. Who wrote "Dinners and Nightmares"?

(see the answer keys)

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