The Poetics of Space Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Poetics of Space Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Many houses are structured in levels, as described in "The House, from Cellar to Garret . . .,"appealing to what sense?
(a) The sense of being closer to God.
(b) The sense of escape.
(c) The sense of vertical rising.
(d) The sense of superiority.

2. How is a cathedral similar to a snail shell in the opinion of Bachelard?
(a) Both are constructed of sturdy materials.
(b) Quasimodo considered the cathedral to be claustrophobic, like a snail shell.
(c) Quasimodo inhabited the cathedral, with its nooks and crannies, as a snail inhabits its shell.
(d) Both seem born of their surroundings.

3. When memories reside in parts of a house, which of the following is true in the author's opinion?
(a) When a house is torn down, the memories fade.
(b) Dates of events are less important than the sense of where they occur.
(c) The soul cannot be at peace unless residing in the childhood home.
(d) Dates of events are more important than the sense of where they occur.

4. Who noted that inside seems cozier when the outside weather is severe?
(a) Baudelaire.
(b) Bosco.
(c) Rilke.
(d) Bachelard.

5. With what did Pasternak identify the nest?
(a) Poetry.
(b) Nature.
(c) The world and its center.
(d) The childhood house.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Bachelard describe images that attribute human qualities to a nest?

2. How is a nest connected to the foliage of the forest according to the author?

3. Bachelard wrote of the menagerie of what?

4. Victor Hugo's literary character, Quasimodo, described what as "egg, nest, house, country and universe"?

5. For Bachelard, breaking from the principles of scientific prudence is necessary in order to do what?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Bachelard focus on the isolated poetic image, even though it is the least significant element in the composition of a poem?

2. What is a house for a phenomenologist?

3. What is "La Redousse?"

4. How do cellar fears differ from attic fears, based on Bachelard's theories in "The House, from Cellar to Garret, The Significance of the Hut"?

5. As explained by Bachelard, what is the beingness, or ontology, of the poetic image?

6. To what did Vlaminck compare the contentment of humans in their homes?

7. Why does Bachelard disagree with Bergson's metaphorical use of the drawer?

8. What is topoanalysis, according to Bachelard, with regard to a house and its hidden memories?

9. Why does Bachelard claim that daydreams of nests start us dreaming of security?

10. How does Pasternak describe a nest?

(see the answer keys)

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