The Poet Test | Final Test - Medium

Michael Connelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 98 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Poet Test | Final Test - Medium

Michael Connelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 98 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What items were taken from Jack's hotel room?
(a) Wallet and airline ticket.
(b) Notebooks.
(c) Laptop and cell phone.
(d) Phone records.

2. What item is recovered from the people because of the interview?
(a) Van.
(b) Car stereo.
(c) Money.
(d) Woman's purse.

3. Where did Horace live and work at one time?
(a) Baltimore.
(b) Beverly Hills.
(c) Next door to Sean.
(d) LA.

4. Gomble was sent to which prison?
(a) Sing Sing.
(b) Arizona Correctional Facility.
(c) Union Correctional Institute.
(d) Cook County Jail.

5. In which city is the prison located?
(a) Raiford.
(b) Albany.
(c) Kansas City.
(d) Joliet.

Short Answer Questions

1. Horace gave up his life to move to which major US city?

2. What word can be used to best describe Gladden's most recent post on the network?

3. The FBI has how many cases that currently match the Poet case?

4. Which of the following is the only thing Rachel has when she goes to Jack's hotel room?

5. Who seems to be the most upset about Rachel's budding personal attachment to Jack?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is learned about Gladden through his attorney? How does Thorson react? What is the result of the confrontation?

2. What does Jack learn about Gladden? What is the possible connection to the first victim?

3. What does Jack do with the phone numbers? What information does he find? What does Jack do next?

4. What do Backus, Jack and the agents discuss at the meeting? What vital piece of information is uncovered?

5. How had the sixth case stumped Jack? Why was the murder in Florida different from all the others?

6. Discuss the scene between Walling and the two brothers. What information is gained? What item is recovered?

7. What happens when Warren was confronted by Walling and Ford? What is the point of the meeting? What is the result of the confrontation?

8. After Jack learns that Rachel is gone, he devises a way to find her. What does Jack do to gain information?

9. What information is uncovered when Rachel and Jack go to Phoenix? Why is it obvious that the latest victim did not commit suicide?

10. How does Detective Thomas fit into the story? What is the link to Gladden?

(see the answer keys)

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