The Poem of the Cid: Dual Language Edition Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Poem of the Cid: Dual Language Edition Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What story will be told in Section 64?
(a) The Cid's journey to Vivar.
(b) The Cid's spiritual conversion.
(c) The Cid and the Horse Thief.
(d) The great deeds of the Cid.

2. What does the Cid's wife pray for in Section 14?
(a) The death of the king.
(b) His safety.
(c) Her own safety.
(d) His return.

3. Who does the Cid want to give the gift?
(a) Minaya.
(b) Galve.
(c) Pedro.
(d) Álvar.

4. Why does the count look over his shoulder as he's leaving in Section 63?
(a) To make sure he's going the right way.
(b) To say a final goodbye.
(c) Because he hears something behind him.
(d) To make sure the Cid is not following him.

5. How is the booty from the battle divided among the Cid's soldiers?
(a) By rank.
(b) Evenly.
(c) It isn't; the Cid keeps it all.
(d) By casting lots.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who comes to the Cid in a dream in Section 19?

2. Who receives the Moorish soldier's horse in Section 38?

3. Who does the Cid want to tell his friends in Castile that God has favored the Cid?

4. Why does the Cid send something to the church in Section 41?

5. What happens to the Cid's followers in Section 18?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why are the inhabitants of Burgos unable to offer the Cid and his followers a place to stay? What would happen if they did?

2. Describe the Cid's dream in Section 19. What does it mean?

3. What does the Cid decide about his beard in Section 76? Why?

4. How does King Alphonso feel about the Cid at the end of Sections 64-83? How do you know?

5. What role does Martín Antolínez play in the Cid's departure from Vivar?

6. What suggestion does Minaya give the Cid for those who wish to leave his service?

7. What does the Cid decide to do with the captives at Alcocer? What role do they then play for the Cid and his men?

8. Explain the circumstances of the count's return home.

9. Explain the circumstances of the Cid's victory over the Valencians.

10. What relationship does the Cid have with his family? How do you know?

(see the answer keys)

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