The Poem of the Cid: Dual Language Edition Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Poem of the Cid: Dual Language Edition Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who rescues the Cid's daughters?
(a) The Cid.
(b) Félez Muñoz.
(c) King Alphonso.
(d) The governor Abengalbón.

2. How does Count García Ordóñez feel about the Cid's success?
(a) He is unhappy.
(b) He feels patriotic.
(c) He expresses no feelings one way or the other.
(d) He is proud.

3. What is described in Section 111?
(a) The return of the Cid to Vivar.
(b) An impassioned speech by the Cid.
(c) The wedding festivities of the Cid's daughters.
(d) The return of the Cid to Valencia.

4. What does the Cid swear in Section 131?
(a) That he will kill King Alphonso's sons.
(b) That he will do to King Alphonso's sons what they did to him.
(c) That he will reunite his daughters with their husbands.
(d) That he will find better husbands for his daughters.

5. Who subdues a lion in Section 112?
(a) Fernando.
(b) Diego.
(c) King Alphonso.
(d) The Cid.

6. The Moorish king of ______ decides to attack the Cid and his armies in Sections 88 and 89.
(a) Morocco.
(b) Arabia.
(c) Istanbul.
(d) Turkey.

7. Who is preparing to meet with King Alphonso in Section 104?
(a) King Alphonso's sons.
(b) The Cid's daughters.
(c) Minaya.
(d) The Cid.

8. How do the enemies of the Cid get to Valencia in Sections 88 and 89?
(a) They walk.
(b) They sail.
(c) They ride.
(d) They caravan.

9. What is ultimately decided about the marriages?
(a) They will proceed.
(b) They will proceed, but not until the daughters are two years older.
(c) The decision will be left to the Cid's daughters.
(d) They will not proceed.

10. Whose idea was the marriages of the Cid's daughters to King Alphonso's sons?
(a) The Cid's wife's.
(b) The Cid's.
(c) King Alphonso's.
(d) King Alphonso's sons'.

11. What does the Cid want to happen to the sons?
(a) He wants them to be killed.
(b) He wants them to be called to a judicial meeting.
(c) He wants them to be banished.
(d) He wants them to be imprisoned.

12. What is the name of the Cid's horse in Section 86?
(a) Babar.
(b) Ordóñez.
(c) Babieca.
(d) Vladmir.

13. Who asks to be exempt from the court hearing in Section 135?
(a) The King's sons.
(b) The Cid.
(c) The Cid's daughters.
(d) The Cid's wife.

14. Where does Diego hide?
(a) Behind a wine press.
(b) Under the couch.
(c) Behind the curtain.
(d) In a chimney.

15. What does the Cid think about the possibility of his daughters marrying King Alphonso's sons?
(a) He thinks his wife will object.
(b) He thinks his daughters are too young.
(c) He thinks his daughters will miss him too much.
(d) He thinks King Alphonso's sons are too wild.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the king want to see happen in the situation with his sons?

2. Where is the animal that gets loose in Section 112?

3. Who sends a message to King Alphonso at the end of Section 132?

4. How does the Cid's wife react to the news of the marriages of her daughters?

5. Who does the Cid demand speaks and defends his cousins in Section 142?

(see the answer keys)

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