The Pillars of the Earth Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Pillars of the Earth Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What type of death does the prisoner experience when the oxcart is pulled away?
(a) He kicks and fights against the noose.
(b) His neck breaks and death is quick.
(c) He strangles slowly.
(d) He gasps for breath for a long time.

2. How does Philip plan to speed up the work on the cathedral repairs?
(a) He has the masons work overtime.
(b) He raises the mason's daily wage.
(c) He brings in more masons from the city.
(d) Anyone who works on the cathedral will receive a full pardon for all their sins as well as food and drink.

3. What impresses Prior Philip about Tom's plans for the cathedral?
(a) Tom will work for room and board.
(b) The cheap cost for materials he would use
(c) His intricate, costly designs
(d) His detailed calculations of cost, time, and labor

4. Where do Aliena and Richard find the money their father had left them?
(a) With a peasant family
(b) With a friend in Salisbury
(c) With a priest who has spent some of it
(d) With the monks in a monastery

5. What does Prior Philip have the monks do when they go to the quarry?
(a) They bless the quarrymen.
(b) They pray for the safety of the men.
(c) They light candles and begin to sing holy songs.
(d) They mine the stone.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Aliena buy to start up her wool business?

2. How do Richard and Aliena escape the castle?

3. What is the historical significance of the ship that flounders off Balfour?

4. What happens to Tom's baby son after his birth?

5. Why doesn't the master builder of Salisbury Cathedral hire Tom?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the deal that Archdeacon Waleran makes with Philip after the death of Prior James, the Prior of Kingsbridge?

2. Why does Abbot Peter transfer Prior Philip out of the monastery where he was born and where does he send him?

3. What is Tom Builder's greatest passion in life?

4. What does Tom ask Ellen after she allows Tom and the children to stay in her cave, giving them food and shelter?

5. Summarize the actions of the townspeople before the hanging takes place.

6. When the condemned man dies, what is the reaction of the young pregnant girl to whom he was singing?

7. Describe the design of the cathedral Tom proposes to build for Prior Philip.

8. Of what is the crime that the condemned man has been found guilty?

9. What does the condemned man do as the noose is placed around his neck?

10. What is the secret compromise that Philip proposes to the Hamleighs about the forests and quarry in Shiring and how does this affect his relationship with Waleran?

(see the answer keys)

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