The Pillars of the Earth Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Pillars of the Earth Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What condition does Philip give Jack if he wants to be master builder of the cathedral?
(a) Jack must adopt Jonathan.
(b) Jack must become a monk.
(c) Jack and Aliena must live apart.
(d) Jack must stay within the budget.

2. What does Richard tell Aliena to do when he finds that she has lost everything?
(a) To make more money
(b) To open a tavern
(c) To look for work in the city
(d) To plow the field

3. What does Alfred do when he is unable to perform on his wedding night?
(a) He forces Aliena to sleep on the floor.
(b) He cries out of frustration.
(c) He promises to do better next time.
(d) He asks Aliena for forgiveness.

4. What does Jonathan decide to do with his life now that he is sixteen years old?
(a) Become a monk
(b) Become a mason
(c) Become a wool merchant
(d) Travel to Spain

5. Why do a band of outlaws attack Kingsbridge?
(a) They want Aliena's wool.
(b) They want gold from the cathedral.
(c) They are starving and desperate.
(d) They want to assassinate Prior Philip.

6. Who does Philip name as the new master builder of the cathedral?
(a) Alfred
(b) Peter
(c) Francis
(d) Otto

7. What is the result of the fight between Alfred and Jack?
(a) A wall of the cathedral is seriously damaged.
(b) Ellen is hurt in the fight.
(c) Alfred's hand is broken.
(d) Tom is injured.

8. What is Philip's reaction when he sees Remingus begging for food?
(a) Invites him back to the monastery to live
(b) Tells him that he deserves his fate
(c) Curses Remingus for conspiring against him
(d) Tells him that God is punishing him

9. Why does Alfred go to Aliena's home?
(a) To beg her for money
(b) To kill her
(c) To laugh in her face
(d) To ask her to come back to him

10. What does Aliena teach Elizabeth when they meet in church?
(a) How to keep William happy
(b) How to buy the best fabric at the market
(c) How to gain the respect of her servants and soldiers
(d) How to dress like a proper lady

11. What does Waleran convince William to do to hinder Philip's success?
(a) Take over the forests
(b) Burn the cathedral
(c) Take over the quarry
(d) Kidnap one of the monks for ransom

12. What gift does Jack bring back for Prior Philip?
(a) A new bible
(b) A war horse
(c) A chest of silver
(d) A silk robe

13. Why is William so upset that Waleran will not give him absolution for his sins?
(a) He fears his mother's religious wrath.
(b) He won't be allowed in the church.
(c) He won't be allowed the earldom.
(d) He fears the fires of hell.

14. What does Alfred reveal to Jack that infuriates him?
(a) Tom doesn't care about him.
(b) Martha despises him.
(c) Ellen is not his real mother.
(d) His father was hanged as a thief.

15. What does Richard do to avoid being arrested by William?
(a) Crosses the channel to France
(b) Moves to Spain
(c) Hides in the forest
(d) Joins the crusades in the Holy Land

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Philip respond to William's accusations?

2. Who convinces Waleran to block Aliena's annulment from Alfred?

3. What is the response of the masons when Jack tells them he has to let half the workers go?

4. What does Aliena suggest Richard should do with the bandits?

5. Who wins the battle when King Stephen's castle is attacked?

(see the answer keys)

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