The Pillars of the Earth Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Pillars of the Earth Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What color eyes does the person have that the prisoner stares at in the crowd?
(a) Green as the grass
(b) Blue like the sea
(c) Golden and luminous
(d) Gray and dull

2. What does Prior Philip have the monks do when they go to the quarry?
(a) They pray for the safety of the men.
(b) They mine the stone.
(c) They bless the quarrymen.
(d) They light candles and begin to sing holy songs.

3. Why does Philip go to see the Bishop of Kingsbridge after talking to his brother, Francis?
(a) He goes to ask the Bishop to transfer Peter of Wareham to another monastery.
(b) He goes to ask the Bishop to find a home for the baby.
(c) He goes to ask the Bishop's help with a new cathedral.
(d) He goes to tell the Bishop about the planned rebellion against King Stephen by Maud's followers.

4. What impresses Tom about Ellen's son, Jack?
(a) He offers the guests food before taking any for himself.
(b) He gives Tom's family his portion of food
(c) He has impeccable social graces.
(d) He is able to hunt ducks with a stone and a sling.

5. Where do Tom and his family go for shelter from the freezing weather?
(a) To the earl's castle
(b) Ellen and Jack invite them into their cave.
(c) To the church
(d) To the monastery

6. What does the thief steal from Tom's family?
(a) A loaf of bread
(b) A sack of gold coins
(c) A mason's tool
(d) A pig

7. What question does Tom ask Ellen after staying with her for a time?
(a) Will she marry him?
(b) Can his family stay with her?
(c) Can she take care of his family while he goes to find work?
(d) What can he do to help her?

8. What is the name of the ship that sinks after setting sail from England in 1120?
(a) The Balfour
(b) The White Ship
(c) The Queen Elizabeth
(d) The Queen Maud

9. Who does Philip find hiding in Earl Bartholomew's castle?
(a) Ellen and Jack
(b) William Hamleigh
(c) Aliena, Richard, and their manservant, Matthew
(d) Martha and Alfred

10. What transpires when Tom and his quarrymen arrive at the quarry to start getting stone?
(a) They mine plenty of stone to begin the cathedral.
(b) William Hamleigh's men are mining the quarry and will not let Tom enter.
(c) They find the quarry has been mined out.
(d) The men refuse to work and go on strike.

11. What type of people live in the homes of the town square?
(a) The poor of the town
(b) Craftsmen and traders
(c) Soldiers
(d) Prostitutes

12. Why is Jack happy about living in Kingsbridge despite Alfred's abuse?
(a) He gets to work on the cathedral.
(b) He gets to see Aliena.
(c) He never liked the forest.
(d) He enjoys the excitement of the town.

13. What is the historical significance of the ship that flounders off Balfour?
(a) King Henry's only heir perishes in the wreck.
(b) King Stephen's heir perishes.
(c) Queen Maud's son is aboard.
(d) King Henry's wife dies in the wreck.

14. Why are the boys terrified at the moment of the prisoner's death?
(a) The prisoner's dead eyes stare at them.
(b) The person the prisoner was staring at drops to the ground, uttering a curse.
(c) Their mothers chase them with switches.
(d) Their fathers come to take them home.

15. Who does William Hamleigh almost run down with his powerful war horse?
(a) Agnes
(b) Martha
(c) Aliena
(d) Tom

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Prior Philip's biggest problem at his small monastery?

2. What do the accusers do as the young man hangs from the noose?

3. Who teaches Aliena about the wool business?

4. What angers Philip about the monks right after he arrives at his new assignment?

5. What action does the person take who screamed at the prisoner's death?

(see the answer keys)

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