The Pilgrim's Progress Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Pilgrim's Progress Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Matthew heal?
(a) He drinks a lot of water.
(b) He chews on some feverfew leaves.
(c) The illness runs its course.
(d) He drinks a potion.

2. What are the group of pilgrims told they did wrong when they left the gatekeeper’s house?
(a) They should have gotten some weapons from the gatekeeper.
(b) They should wait for full daylight.
(c) They need a conductor.
(d) They should not be dressed like pilgrims.

3. What does Goodwill say to the group at the Wicket Gate?
(a) Everyone can enter.
(b) They must hide behind him from the Devil’s arrows.
(c) Only two can come inside that day, then two in the morning.
(d) He tells Mercy she is on probation.

4. What does the group ask Great Heart when they are inside the house?
(a) To escort Matthew back to the gatekeeper’s house.
(b) To convey their thanks to the Interpreter for his help.
(c) If men are allowed to stay in the house.
(d) To stay with them.

5. How did the hero from Honest's story fare when he reached the Celestial City?
(a) He had to do a task to prove his mettle.
(b) He was allowed inside.
(c) He had to wait three years to enter.
(d) He was denied admittance.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does the group get through the Slough of Despair?

2. What does Mercy ask Christiana in the beginning of Part 2?

3. How long does the group stay at House Beautiful?

4. How long does the group stay at the place where they stop for the night after the giant is killed in Part 2?

5. What is Mercy worried about as the group sets out?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Christiana decide to go on a journey?

2. What happens when the group is on Enchanted Ground and who meets them at BeulahLand?

3. What happens to the group at DelectableMountain?

4. Why do they need a doctor and what does the doctor give Christiana?

5. What does Honest tell them about Fearing and how does the group feel after hearing that story?

6. What does Honest tell the group about Self-Will?

7. What hill did the group climb and what were they shown as they approached House Beautiful?

8. Where does the group lodge in Vanity? Why do they stay there? What happens with his two daughters?

9. Who visits Christiana while she is preparing to depart and what happens?

10. What happens to the group in BeulahLand?

(see the answer keys)

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