The Pilgrim's Progress Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Pilgrim's Progress Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Great Heart tell the group as he departs the Beautiful House?
(a) He will be sure to give their gratitude to the Interpreter.
(b) He will take Matthew with him when he leaves.
(c) They should have asked for a permanent conductor.
(d) Men are allowed to stay in the house.

2. What has changed at the House Beautiful since Christian was there?
(a) There is an angel standing at the entrance.
(b) There is a locked front door.
(c) There is an additional obstacle.
(d) There are new gardens around the yard.

3. Whom does the group meet after leaving the mountain in Part 2?
(a) Gentle Soul.
(b) Never Weary.
(c) Tenacious.
(d) Valiant For The Truth.

4. Why is the man at the mountain where he meets the group?
(a) Evangelist sent him there.
(b) He was inspired by Christian.
(c) He has run out of food.
(d) He sprained an ankle climbing.

5. What giant does Great Heart defeat on the way up the hill?
(a) Grim.
(b) Gremlin.
(c) Medusa.
(d) Gorgon.

6. Whom does James marry?
(a) Mercy.
(b) Miriam.
(c) Phoebe.
(d) Deborah.

7. What is Mercy worried about as the group sets out?
(a) Matthew will reject her.
(b) She will not be allowed in the Wicket Gate.
(c) God does not love her.
(d) Christian is dead.

8. What type of commemoration is erected on the hill the group climbs?
(a) A flower garden.
(b) A plaque.
(c) A platform.
(d) A tombstone.

9. What does the person who joins the group after the inn worry about?
(a) Being a burden on the group.
(b) Having enough time to meditate.
(c) No one has any worries about the group.
(d) Being a good wife.

10. What is the group shown as they climb the hill after leaving the Interpreter’s house?
(a) Places where other pilgrims were led by angels.
(b) Places where other pilgrims had parties.
(c) Places where other pilgrims faced difficulties.
(d) Places where other pilgrims got married.

11. What does the group do at Enchanted Ground?
(a) Goes to sleep.
(b) Tells each other jokes to stay awake.
(c) Bypasses Enchanted Ground.
(d) Tries to wake two pilgrims.

12. What does Great Heart kill to protect the group after leaving House Beautiful?
(a) A rabid bear.
(b) A pack of wolves.
(c) A lion.
(d) A giant.

13. What is special about Mr. Mnason?
(a) He is very wealthy and helps the group greatly.
(b) He is one of the few good people in his town.
(c) He has many sons and daughters.
(d) He has a great chef.

14. What is the Interpreter’s relationship to Great Heart?
(a) He is his master.
(b) He is his brother.
(c) He has no relationship with Great Heart.
(d) He is his father.

15. What is the purpose of the commemoration?
(a) To recite the deeds for good done on that spot.
(b) To show the beauty of the world.
(c) To show what happened to the two men who falsely warned Christian.
(d) To show the gravesite of the martyr.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Christiana have to treat illness when they leave House Beautiful?

2. What happens to Mercy at the Wicket Gate?

3. What has happened to the group by the time they leave Vanity?

4. What hill does the group climb after they leave the Interpreter’s house?

5. What are the group of pilgrims told they did wrong when they left the gatekeeper’s house?

(see the answer keys)

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