The Phenomenology of Mind Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Phenomenology of Mind Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Hegel, what do people ultimately find as a result of Insight?
(a) Reconciliation.
(b) Unity.
(c) Self-estrangement.
(d) Culture.

2. What does Hegel say self-consciousness can express as Absolute Spirit?
(a) The inner divinity of man.
(b) The divine nature of fate.
(c) The inevitable nature of self-consciousness.
(d) The perfection of man's will.

3. According to Hegel, what has Absolute Spirit developed into in the "beautiful soul"?
(a) The Absolute Spirit has become a tool for discerning truth.
(b) The Absolute Spirit has become a functioning state of consciousness.
(c) The Absolute Spirit has disappeared as the beautiful soul manifests its own unique spirit.
(d) The Absolute Spirit has become a part of nature.

4. How does Hegel define ownership?
(a) As being of objects only, never people.
(b) Total knowledge and possession.
(c) Close relationship with duties of protection.
(d) Contractual relationship with mutual obligations.

5. Which religion comes first, in Hegel's philosophy?
(a) Natural religion.
(b) Moral religion.
(c) Human religion.
(d) Instinctual religion.

6. How does Virtue manifest Reason in a society according to Hegel?
(a) Through public rituals.
(b) Through works of art.
(c) Through work.
(d) Through public and private acts.

7. What does Spirit represent for the Mind according to Hegel?
(a) Unity with truth.
(b) Historical consciousness.
(c) Class consciousness.
(d) Unity with the Universal Mind.

8. Under what condition does Spirit mean Mind in Hegel's philosophy?
(a) When the Mind has achieved a higher and special level of functioning.
(b) When the Spirit is embodied in a will.
(c) When the Mind begins the struggle for self-awareness.
(d) When the Spirit existst in any particular detail.

9. What does Hegel describe as the theatre for ethical choices?
(a) The Mind.
(b) Daily life.
(c) History.
(d) The universe.

10. What is the center of moral life according to Hegel?
(a) Duty.
(b) Spirit.
(c) Love.
(d) Work.

11. What does conceit cause according to Hegel?
(a) Individuality.
(b) Self-awareness.
(c) Bad faith.
(d) Impure motives and perversions.

12. What was Hegel's dread of death influenced by?
(a) Hegel's accident on horseback.
(b) An ongoing war.
(c) Hegel's near-death experience.
(d) Hegel's father's death.

13. What is Hegel searching for in his discussion of morality?
(a) An innately moral level of self-consciousness.
(b) A morality that will emerge from 'moments'.
(c) A level of self-consciousness that provides the basis for morality.
(d) An eternal morality.

14. When does the complete spiritual being begin to function in the world according to Hegel?
(a) When the philosopher discovers the Absolute.
(b) When the soul begins its work within the self.
(c) When the soul completes its work in society.
(d) When the Absolute is established as a modus operandi.

15. What does Hegel say has to be his starting point for consciousness?
(a) Hegel says that consciousness begins with self-conflict.
(b) Hegel says that he has to begin from a spiritual view of the world.
(c) Hegel says that he has to begin from a moral view of the world.
(d) Hegel says that consciousness begins with self-awareness.

Short Answer Questions

1. How is belief transformed into enlightenment according to Hegel?

2. The spirit that creates artwork also creates what else according to Hegel?

3. What emerges after self-estrangement fades according to Hegel?

4. According the Hegel's philosophy, what is the one state where complete annihilation of difference occurs?

5. What is Hegel's feeling about communism?

(see the answer keys)

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