The Phenomenology of Mind Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Phenomenology of Mind Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to the translator's note, Hegel's study of pleasure and necessity is really a study of what?
(a) Romanticism.
(b) Sadism.
(c) Hedonism.
(d) Sentimentalism.

2. What role does Hegel say society plays in how man determines his direction?
(a) Hegel says that society inhibits men's freedom.
(b) Hegel says that society provides the foundation for freedom.
(c) Hegel says that society codifies desires with laws.
(d) Hegel says that society works against the direction of the heart.

3. According to Hegel, what constitutes the Course of the World?
(a) The external reality that informs subjectivity.
(b) The inner events that motivate external reality.
(c) The events of the world as external reality.
(d) The heart and its desire and development.

4. Where does Hegel see the opportunity for good to be manifest through the actions of human beings?
(a) In the heart.
(b) In external events.
(c) In the conceit of individuality.
(d) In the ruling elite.

5. According to Hegel, why is even a killer dissatisfied with the self-certainty that comes from killing another person?
(a) Because even the final act of murder does not put one in touch with unconscious feelings.
(b) Because the act of murder is only a beginning and has to be repeated ritually.
(c) Because the dead are never removed from the consciousness of the killer.
(d) Because some acts cannot be brought into the light.

6. How does Hegel describe the set of things that work against the "law of the heart"?
(a) Refining.
(b) Liberating.
(c) Oppressive.
(d) Perfecting.

7. What is the contradiction at the heart of absolute reality according to Hegel?
(a) The individual intuits the existence of life beyond himself but can never know anything except through direct perception.
(b) It is real but it is also a myth that is propagated in philosophy.
(c) Literacy and printing presses have made experiences transferable to people have not had the experience themselves.
(d) The individual learns about existence from individual existence and also from external reality.

8. What does "the concrete" have in Hegel's account?
(a) Scientific self-certainty.
(b) Form and universals.
(c) Unique life.
(d) Consciousness.

9. What field does Hegel defend in the Preface and Introduction?
(a) Astrology.
(b) Religion.
(c) Science.
(d) Phrenology.

10. What are the elements in Hegel's account?
(a) The sun, moon and stars.
(b) Earth, fire, water, air.
(c) The conditions of archaic existence.
(d) The fundamental emotions, anger, desire, pity.

11. According to Hegel, self-consciousness is aware of itself relative to what?
(a) Infant fulfillment and abstract promises.
(b) Conscience and desire.
(c) Objects and universals.
(d) Desire and loss.

12. How does Hegel describe notions?
(a) As contingent on subjectivity.
(b) As actual things.
(c) As aspects of laws.
(d) As anamnesis.

13. What human trait does Hegel say is not found in animals?
(a) Organic consciousness.
(b) Organic behavior.
(c) Self-reflection.
(d) Life being lived for itself.

14. What is a pre-condition to Reason according to Hegel?
(a) Transcendent self-awareness.
(b) Double consciousness.
(c) Stable sources of food and shelter.
(d) Stable self-certainty.

15. What did cranioscopy examine?
(a) The density of the skull.
(b) The evolution of the human skull.
(c) The form of the skull.
(d) The simliarity of skull shapes within families.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Hegel say accompanies the process of Virtue bringing good into the world?

2. What does Hegel say about the concept of absolute reality?

3. What does Hegel relate desire to?

4. What causes the formation of laws according to Hegel?

5. How does Hegel describe observation?

(see the answer keys)

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