The Perks of Being a Wallflower Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Stephen Chbosky
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Perks of Being a Wallflower Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Stephen Chbosky
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Patrick describe Charlie's behavior at the party?
(a) Shy and reserved.
(b) Confident and talkative.
(c) Distracted and uninterested.
(d) Outgoing and extroverted.

2. How does Charlie's father usually behave during the holiday gatherings?
(a) He joins the arguments and fights.
(b) He gets drunk and passes out after dinner.
(c) He helps prepare the food.
(d) He sits quietly and drinks.

3. Why does Charlie enjoy going to the cemetery where his Aunt Helen is buried?
(a) He has fond memories of his aunt.
(b) He can feel closer to his dad.
(c) His aunt's grave is beautifully decorated.
(d) He likes to see his relatives' graves.

4. What tradition does Charlie and his family follow every time they return home from a visit?
(a) Going out to eat.
(b) Watching a movie.
(c) Visiting Aunt Helen's grave.
(d) Baking cookies.

5. What is Charlie's attitude toward using advanced vocabulary words?
(a) He is enthusiastic about using them.
(b) He considers them essential for communication.
(c) He feels confident in using them.
(d) He believes they are unnecessary and pretentious.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Aunt Helen do that was special for Charlie when he was younger?

2. What do Brad and Patrick do at parties that they keep secret?

3. What kind of magazine does Charlie think about writing for in the future?

4. What does Charlie like about The Rocky Horror Picture Show?

5. What does Charlie give Alice as her Secret Santa?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Charlie have mixed feelings about his parents?

2. How does Michael's death affect Charlie?

3. Describe Charlie's reaction to seeing his brother on television.

4. Analyze Charlie's reflections on the gifts he gives and receives during the holiday party. How do these gifts reveal the dynamics of his relationships with his friends?

5. What is the significance of Charlie's exchange with his grandfather after the Thanksgiving meal?

6. Discuss the impact of the book Peter Pan on Charlie's understanding of growing up and betrayal.

7. How does Patrick's relationship with Brad change over time, and what does it reveal about Brad's behavior?

8. How does Charlie's sister change after getting involved with a boy?

9. How does Charlie describe the weather and his feelings on the day he did not mind going to school?

10. What does Mary Elizabeth tell Charlie about Zen, and how does he relate it to his own experiences?

(see the answer keys)

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