The Perilous Gard Test | Final Test - Medium

Elizabeth Marie Pope
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Perilous Gard Test | Final Test - Medium

Elizabeth Marie Pope
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How do the servants behave after drinking from the cup in Chapter 9?
(a) Confused.
(b) Excited and hyper.
(c) Calm and graceful.
(d) Listless and unhappy.

2. Who arrives at the end of Chapter 12?
(a) Cecily.
(b) Alicia.
(c) Sir Geoffrey.
(d) The Queen.

3. What does the Lady in Green tell Kate in Chapter 11?
(a) She is not doing a very good job with the chores.
(b) She is pleased with her performance and can live as one of the Fairy Folk.
(c) She will be able to visit the human world soon.
(d) She can write to her family.

4. What does Sir Geoffrey think is the reason that Master John stole Cecily away?
(a) He has gone mad.
(b) To create problems between Sir Geoffrey and Christopher.
(c) He was paid to do so by someone else.
(d) He is jealous of Christopher.

5. What are the names of the other human servants in Chapter 9?
(a) Susan, Mary and Jane.
(b) Lily, Charlotte and Emma.
(c) Betty, Joan and Marian.
(d) Samantha, Fiona and Gertrude.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Kate do when she knows she won't be needed in Chapter 9?

2. Why does Kate consider destroying her room in Chapter 8?

3. According to Master John, until when is Christopher being kept quiet in Chapter 7?

4. How do the girls react when Kate introduces herself in Chapter 9?

5. What does a member of the Fairy Folk tell Kate there is no need for in Chapter 9?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Christopher believe happened to Kate when she drank from the cup in Chapter 11?

2. What does Kate learn about the teind in Chapter 11?

3. What fear does Kate feel during the night in Chapter 9?

4. What is Christopher's opinion of the villagers in the village in Chapter 11?

5. What does the Lady in Green tell Kate that shocks her in Chapter 11?

6. How does Kate try to reach Christopher when he is in a haze in Chapter 12?

7. What does Kate note of the servants at the castle in Chapter 12?

8. Why does the Lady in Green offer Kate a drug in Chapter 8?

9. What does Master John tell Kate about his involvement with the Fairy Folk in Chapter 7?

10. What is Master John's reply when Kate points out that he will have to explain Cecily's reappearance and Christopher's disappearance?

(see the answer keys)

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