The Perilous Gard Test | Final Test - Easy

Elizabeth Marie Pope
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Perilous Gard Test | Final Test - Easy

Elizabeth Marie Pope
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Kate committed to doing in Chapter 9?
(a) Not taking the drugs.
(b) Rescuing the human servants.
(c) Making her new life enjoyable.
(d) Improving her cleaning skills.

2. What does Kate realize of the Lady in Green when she first sees her in Chapter 8?
(a) She looks much younger than her actual age.
(b) She is a sickly fairy.
(c) She is scared of Kate and other humans.
(d) That she is accustomed to making decisions and being in command.

3. How does Old Dorothy react to seeing Cecily in Chapter 7?
(a) She regrets blaming Christopher.
(b) She is disappointed.
(c) She is shocked and finds it hard to breath.
(d) She drops everything and prays.

4. What animal does Kate believe Gwenhyfara sees her as in Chapter 10?
(a) A horse.
(b) A dog.
(c) A monkey.
(d) A cow.

5. What does Sir Geoffrey think is the reason that Master John stole Cecily away?
(a) To create problems between Sir Geoffrey and Christopher.
(b) He was paid to do so by someone else.
(c) He has gone mad.
(d) He is jealous of Christopher.

6. What time is it when Kate meets up with Randal in Chapter 12?
(a) Almost midnight.
(b) Around nine o`clock PM.
(c) Sunset.
(d) About ten at night.

7. What does Kate pretend to do in Chapter 11?
(a) Fall into the Lady in Green's spell.
(b) Sneeze.
(c) Become fearful of the mountain.
(d) Sing one of Randal`s songs.

8. What does Master John tell Kate he will do if she does not obey him in Chapter 7?
(a) He will have her whipped.
(b) He will pretend she never existed.
(c) He will hurt Christopher.
(d) He will send the servants to get her.

9. What is obvious about the other girls with Kate in Chapter 9?
(a) They are her enemies.
(b) They are drugged.
(c) They are angry and depressed.
(d) They are happy to be there.

10. How is Kate able to give a letter to Randal in Chapter 8?
(a) Under the door.
(b) Through a vent.
(c) Through an open window.
(d) With Old Dorothy's help.

11. What does Kate note of the drink she is given in Chapter 11?
(a) It has a grainy texture to it.
(b) It tastes like sweetened milk.
(c) The sweet taste of flowers and spice.
(d) It is clumpy and very cold.

12. What does Kate realize after being outside in Chapter 11?
(a) That the outdoors makes her weak.
(b) More time has passed than she thought.
(c) That she loves the outdoors.
(d) That the Fairy Folk are priviledged.

13. What is Kate to call the girl responsible for waking Kate in Chapter 9?
(a) Gwendolfina.
(b) Gwenalia.
(c) Gwendolyn.
(d) Gwenhyfara.

14. According to Gwenhyfara, what are the Fairy Folk able to do because they are in tune with nature?
(a) Predict the weather.
(b) Talk to the trees.
(c) Gather nutrients from surrounding vegetation just through breathing.
(d) Endure the weight of the mountain without fear.

15. What does the Lady in Green tell Kate in Chapter 11?
(a) She is not doing a very good job with the chores.
(b) She is pleased with her performance and can live as one of the Fairy Folk.
(c) She will be able to visit the human world soon.
(d) She can write to her family.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Master John insist he is not in Chapter 7?

2. Who is Sir Thomas Sutton?

3. Why is Old Dorothy angry at Kate at the beginning of Chapter 7?

4. What does Kate sleep on at the end of Chapter 8?

5. Why are the Fairy Folk enraged in Chapter 12?

(see the answer keys)

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