The Perfect Mother Test | Final Test - Medium

Aimee Molloy
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 242 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Perfect Mother Test | Final Test - Medium

Aimee Molloy
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 242 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is implied by the remarks Scarlett makes about Daniel after he arrives at the apartment?
(a) She is confusing him with Dr. H.
(b) She is confusing him with her father.
(c) Scarlett is attracted to Daniel.
(d) She thinks he is too good for Winnie.

2. In Chapter Twelve, what prevents the narrator from getting out and doing things?
(a) She is feeling tired and depressed.
(b) She does not want to answer people's nosy questions.
(c) She is still recovering from complications from her c-section.
(d) She is trying to respect Joshua's desire for privacy.

3. What does the description of Scarlett's apartment make clear?
(a) Scarlett is getting ready to move.
(b) Scarlett is expecting Francie, Nell, and Colette.
(c) Scarlett has not been home in some time.
(d) Someone has recently searched the apartment.

4. In Chapter Nineteen, whom does Francie recall seeing on television earlier, trying to dodge a pack of reporters?
(a) Nell.
(b) Mayor Shepherd.
(c) Colette.
(d) Winnie.

5. What snacks does Scarlett serve the other women?
(a) Pickles and nacho cheese.
(b) Baby food and black beans.
(c) Nacho cheese and baby food.
(d) Black beans and pickles.

Short Answer Questions

1. What revelation in Chapter Twenty-One explains the memory gap that Nell has from the night Midas was abducted?

2. When Winnie is in Token's apartment, what does she see Patricia Faith arguing with someone about on television?

3. Which Ancient Greek character does Nell reference in Chapter Thirteen?

4. Who is the woman in the hat and sunglasses watching the group in the book's epilogue?

5. What does Colette's response to the teenage girl on the train in Chapter Seventeen demonstrate about Colette?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter Fourteen, what causes Colette to jump to the conclusion that Midas is dead?

2. What are the implications of the papers that Francie finds in Scarlett's desk drawer?

3. What frightening event happens while Colette is on the subway, and how does she react?

4. In the Patricia Faith interview that Nell watches while she is at work in Chapter Thirteen, what makes it clear that Faith is trying to promote a particular viewpoint about Midas's disappearance?

5. What does Francie read in Scarlett's journal, and what does this journal entry make clear to the reader?

6. In Chapter Thirteen, what confusion does Nell express about her mental state on the night of July 4th?

7. When Francie talks to Token in his apartment, what does she learn about his relationship, and how is this information expanded on later, when the narrative shifts to Token's perspective?

8. What is ironic about Ghosh's Chapter Twenty press conference statement that everyone involved in the investigation has done "a stellar job" (276)?

9. What is ironic about Nell's boss's attitude when he is asking Nell about the magazine cover?

10. How does Francie feel about her mother-in-law, and why?

(see the answer keys)

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