The Penguin Complete Saki Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Penguin Complete Saki Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How old is James Cushat-Prinkley in "Tea"?
(a) 34.
(b) 42.
(c) 29.
(d) 24.

2. According to the Baroness Gruebel , what will happen if someone is to die in the castle?
(a) The wolves would all go to the river to bathe.
(b) The dogs and beasts of the forest would howl all night.
(c) The animals of the lands would circle the village.
(d) The dogs of the village would attack their owners.

3. According to "The victim of war," what kind of hen produces a square egg?
(a) A Sussex.
(b) A Golden Comet.
(c) A Houdan.
(d) A Rhode Island Red

4. Where is the train heading in "The Disappearance of Crispina Umbreleigh"?
(a) Balkanwood.
(b) St. Albans.
(c) Gamanwood.
(d) Kent.

5. Where does the opening in "The Death Trap" take place?
(a) At Castle Kedaria.
(b) At Castle Tzern.
(c) In Hell.
(d) In Parliament.

6. What kind of sandwiches are Francesca and her brother eating at the opening of "The Unbearable Bassington"?
(a) Egg.
(b) Cress.
(c) Ham.
(d) Cheese.

7. Who does Dimitri claim to be the "heart and soul for Prince Karl'?
(a) The Royal Regiment.
(b) The Loyal Regiment.
(c) The Kran Regiment.
(d) The Kranitizki Regiment.

8. What does Dimitri ask for from Dr. Stronetz. after finding out that he is to die?
(a) A prayer.
(b) A "little bottle."
(c) A grave marker.
(d) A pistol.

9. Where does Lena Strudwarden wish to spend Easter?
(a) Brighton.
(b) Sunderland.
(c) Leeds.
(d) Newcastle upon Tyne.

10. What does Comus give to Greyson to allow him to "toss"?
(a) Mint chocolate.
(b) Cookies.
(c) A sip of wine.
(d) A loaf of bread.

11. What was Francesca known as when she was younger?
(a) Miss Fran.
(b) Franny.
(c) Miss Greech.
(d) Belle Fran.

12. According to the wine merchant, what is the "feminine craze" at the time of his aunt's disappearance?
(a) Fox hunting.
(b) Cycling.
(c) Climbing.
(d) Skeet shooting.

13. What does Jane ask Louise to read to Emma?
(a) "Sins and Sinners."
(b) "Faerie Queen."
(c) "The Wife of Bath."
(d) "Everyman."

14. What happens to the Governess before she could enact her wishes upon Amalie? ("The Wolves of Cernogratz")
(a) She left the castle.
(b) She was dragged off by wolves.
(c) She fell ill.
(d) She died.

15. Who does Francesca run into at a shop entrance near Piccadilly and Bond?
(a) Elaine Stepin.
(b) Merla Blathington.
(c) Martha Driers.
(d) Shane Bitters.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is to succeed to Dimitri's throne?

2. When Jane calls Lord Carrywood, what does he think she is offering?

3. From what coronation does Clovis believe that Lady Beanford has caught a chill?

4. Who owns the hen that "The victim of war" spoke of?

5. What bird do the explosives cause to flee?

(see the answer keys)

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