The Penguin Complete Saki Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Penguin Complete Saki Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Reginald state is "an absurdly overrated affair"?
(a) Education.
(b) Marriage.
(c) Life.
(d) Death.

2. What happens to the rich Armenian who refused Mr. Lammer's request?
(a) He was beaten nearly to death.
(b) He was run over by a carriage.
(c) He was shot and left to die.
(d) He was thrown over the cliffs.

3. What book, mentioned in "The Jesting of Arlington Stringham," is to have been denied being read by everyone?
(a) "The Gospel of Mary."
(b) "120 Days of Sodom."
(c) "Utopia."
(d) "By Mere Chance."

4. Who does Sturridge "believe" Jane to be?
(a) Mary Magdalene.
(b) Queen Anne.
(c) Joan of Arc.
(d) The Prophet Elijah.

5. What kind of wine does Reginald bring for the Duchess to drink when they are at the Carlton?
(a) Claret.
(b) Merlot.
(c) Port.
(d) Chablis.

6. What does the condemned man come across on a dark and lonely highway?
(a) An abandoned dog.
(b) A Bible.
(c) A felled tree.
(d) A dead body.

7. For whom is Mrs. Packletide going to arrange a lunch for at her home on Curzon Street?
(a) Soyna Apperton.
(b) Loona Bimberton.
(c) Virginia Tobermony.
(d) Caroline Finsberry.

8. What is Reginald accused of reading which leads to his lack of sense of moral proportion?
(a) Hemingway.
(b) Plato.
(c) Socrates.
(d) Nietzsche.

9. What, according to Clovis' host, is "becoming a habit" with Clovis?
(a) Waistcoats.
(b) False stories.
(c) Women.
(d) Red wines.

10. What does Reginald state is the reason that his aunt "adopted" him?
(a) He was lost.
(b) He was a decorative sorrow.
(c) He needed a leader.
(d) He was left by his parents.

11. What kind of mines does Mr. Penricarde own?
(a) Diamond.
(b) Steel.
(c) Tin.
(d) Iron.

12. What does Reginald threaten the narrator with, for being rude, in "Reginald on the Academy"?
(a) To leave and never come back.
(b) To buy them a tie for Christmas.
(c) To dine with them the following night.
(d) To cause a scene at dinner.

13. What is the garnish used on the duck entree in "The Chaplet"?
(a) Onions.
(b) Celery.
(c) Parsley.
(d) Champignons.

14. What is tied up as bait for a tiger?
(a) A fox.
(b) Three rabbits.
(c) A goat.
(d) A chicken.

15. According to "Cross Currents," whom does Alaric Clyde roam about like?
(a) A rabid dog.
(b) A horse freed from bondage.
(c) A god of Olympus.
(d) A god of Hellas.

Short Answer Questions

1. What kind of buzzards does Mrs. Olsten say are nesting in her woods?

2. How many miles do the children at Toad-Water have to walk to school?

3. Why does one go to the Academy?

4. At the opening of "The Match-Maker," what time is it?

5. In what season do the Mullets try to sell the Brogue?

(see the answer keys)

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