The Pedagogy of the Oppressed Test | Final Test - Easy

Donald Macedo, Myra Bergman Ramos, and Paula Freire
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Pedagogy of the Oppressed Test | Final Test - Easy

Donald Macedo, Myra Bergman Ramos, and Paula Freire
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which social institution supports and continues oppression?
(a) Hospital.
(b) Schools.
(c) County Hall.
(d) Gymnasium.

2. What does the term 'didactic' mean?
(a) Dual.
(b) Instructional.
(c) Confrontational.
(d) Religious.

3. How must the problem in Friere's system be presented to the student?
(a) The problem must be unrelated to the student’s personal experience.
(b) The problem must be chosen by the student.
(c) The problem must be related to their lives in some way.
(d) The problem must be given to the student by the teacher.

4. What sort of education does Friere suggest would be a viable alternative to Banking Education?
(a) A military education.
(b) A joint problem-solving one.
(c) A private education.
(d) A religious education.

5. How does Friere use the term ‘contradiction’?
(a) To refer to the oppressed.
(b) As a truth that does not apply in every situation.
(c) As a situation which runs counter to healthy human development.
(d) To mean a lie that is presented as a truth.

6. What does 'inclusive education' mean?
(a) Some members of society are allowed to be educated.
(b) No members of society are allowed to be educated.
(c) All members of society should be allowed to be educated.
(d) Most of society is allowed to be educated.

7. What symptom makes it obvious to Friere that traditional education is oppressive?
(a) People are still canned at school.
(b) There is still poverty and class divide.
(c) There is still an economic system.
(d) Teachers are given more respect than students.

8. Why do traditional modes of teaching interfere with the development of a Subject, according to Friere?
(a) Because a person has to either be in the right or wrong and, therefore, is not their own Subject.
(b) Because the subject has to spend their time going to school.
(c) Because the subject has to spend money to go to school.
(d) Because the Subject gets taught lessons they are not interested in.

9. In his teaching of opposed dualisms, what philosopher is Frier referencing?
(a) Nietzsche.
(b) Kant.
(c) Hegel.
(d) Descartes.

10. Which groups in society does Friere believe that the educator should work with especially?
(a) The middle class.
(b) Those in power.
(c) The richest.
(d) The poorest members of society.

11. Why, according to Friere, do oppressive regimes maintain untested feasibilities?
(a) To make freedom desirable.
(b) To make freedom sensible.
(c) To make freedom appear dangerous.
(d) To make freedom a reality.

12. Why does Friere use the term 'banking education'?
(a) Because schools need money.
(b) Because schools in oppressive countries are run by banks.
(c) Because the education system is similar to the banking system.
(d) Because schools have too much money.

13. Does the Subject in Frier's perspective have freewill?
(a) No.
(b) Only to the extent that they can become aware of their situation.
(c) Yes.
(d) Sometimes.

14. What is an ‘Untested Feasibility’?
(a) A situation that denies the laws of gravity.
(b) A situation outside of your theme.
(c) A situation outside of your Limit Situation.
(d) An impossible situation.

15. What does Friere think is the difference between humans and other animals?
(a) How we grow up.
(b) How we treat each other.
(c) Humans can see outside of their situation.
(d) How we get our food.

Short Answer Questions

1. How would a teacher teach in Friere's new education system outlined in Part 2?

2. How should didactic material be used, according to Friere?

3. What is the traditional power structure between teacher and students?

4. What is one goal of the Problem-Posing Education?

5. Why does Friere believe it is important for an educator to partner with local people?

(see the answer keys)

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