The Peace War Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Peace War Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long does the Authority believe it has until the Tinker attack on the Authority?
(a) One week.
(b) Half a day.
(c) One day.
(d) A few hours.

2. What does Wili reveal about the nature of bobbles?
(a) Those inside do actually experience the passage of time.
(b) They can be collapsed at will.
(c) Those trapped inside do not die instantly.
(d) They can be created with very little energy.

3. Instead of obeying Della's request with regards to Wili, what does Mike do?
(a) He goes to the Tinkers for help.
(b) He flees.
(c) He hits Della brutally.
(d) He takes Della captive.

4. Avery insists the Renaissance will be the end of what?
(a) The undesirables within society.
(b) The Tinkers.
(c) Free thought.
(d) Humanity as a whole.

5. Why does Avery refuse Della's suggestion for a response to the disturbance at the road block?
(a) There are no resources available.
(b) He doesn't trust Della.
(c) The system is not ready yet.
(d) The coordinates are not clear.

6. What does Paul think about Wili's capabilities after he interfaces with the computer?
(a) They do not work well with the computer.
(b) They will someday match his own.
(c) They are not as great as he'd imagined.
(d) They far exceed his own.

7. How do Paul and Wili learn about the location of the Authority's embobbling machine?
(a) From intercepted reports.
(b) Mike heard Della talk about it.
(c) Allison learned about it before she was embobbled.
(d) Jill interpolates it based on a large amount of data.

8. About how long has the Authority been in power?
(a) Fifty years.
(b) A hundred years.
(c) Twenty years.
(d) Ten years.

9. What do Paul and Wili plan to do to the Authority's embobbling machine?
(a) Destroy it.
(b) Embobble it.
(c) Capture it.
(d) Reprogram it.

10. Wili dedicates himself to studying what topic?
(a) Physics.
(b) Politics.
(c) Chemistry.
(d) History.

11. What does Wili ask Kaladze to do with Della and Mike?
(a) Keep them under surveillance.
(b) Hold them for ten days.
(c) Place tracking devices on them.
(d) Keep them locked up.

12. What does Paul fear about the new bobble generator?
(a) That it will be misused.
(b) That it will not be ready when it is needed.
(c) That it will malfunction.
(d) That is is dangerous.

13. How does Wili's relationship with Jill change after he returns to Paul's house?
(a) It improves; they become closer friends.
(b) It improves; she tries to take his attention away from Allison.
(c) It degrades; he is distant from her.
(d) It degrades; she seems irrationally angry with him.

14. Where does Mike suggest that Paul move?
(a) West.
(b) North.
(c) East.
(d) South.

15. What does Jill urge Wili to do as the embobbling program nears completion?
(a) To embobble the entire enclave.
(b) To embobble only Avery.
(c) To run from the approaching Authority agents.
(d) To kill Della.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Della do while she is out on a walk with Mike?

2. Wili intentionally created the bobble around the buildings the hostages were held in at what time of the day?

3. What do Wili and Paul say they need to create larger bobbles?

4. When Paul briefly comes to his senses during the battle, what does he ask?

5. Who creates the first bobble outside of the Authority?

(see the answer keys)

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