The Patron Saint of Liars Test | Final Test - Easy

Ann Patchett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Patron Saint of Liars Test | Final Test - Easy

Ann Patchett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Lorraine attempt to cheer up Sissy?
(a) She takes her to a movie.
(b) She buys her a sweater.
(c) She bakes her a cake.
(d) She highlights her hair.

2. Who attends June's funeral service?
(a) Just the nuns.
(b) The entire town.
(c) No one.
(d) Just the girls at the home.

3. How had Thomas traced Rose?
(a) From credit card receipts.
(b) From a private investigator.
(c) From phone bills.
(d) From postmarks on postcards.

4. How many stitches does Son get in his head?
(a) About 10.
(b) 100 or so.
(c) More than 50.
(d) 25.

5. Why did Cecilia not want to marry Son?
(a) He was going bald.
(b) He was abusive.
(c) He didn't have much money.
(d) He was injured accidentally.

6. What does Thomas offer to send to Sissy?
(a) Records.
(b) A diary.
(c) Photographs.
(d) Old letters.

7. What does Rose offer to do for Sissy?
(a) Give her a perm.
(b) Teach her to sew.
(c) Give her driving lessons.
(d) Buy her a prom dress.

8. What kind of parent is Rose?
(a) Very hands-on.
(b) Doting.
(c) Absent.
(d) Distant.

9. How is Sissy different from the girls in the home?
(a) She goes to public school.
(b) She was raised here.
(c) She does not have to attend Mass.
(d) She has no experience with sex.

10. Who finds June dead in her house?
(a) Mother Corinne.
(b) Rose.
(c) Sister Evangeline.
(d) Sissy.

11. What subject does Lorraine like to talk to Sissy about?
(a) Baby clothes.
(b) Boys.
(c) Baby names.
(d) College.

12. What is the car that Rose drove all the way from California?
(a) Chrysler Impala.
(b) Ford Mustang.
(c) Dodge Duster.
(d) Chevy Vega.

13. What does Sissy begin to notice as she grows older?
(a) Her mother is very affectionate toward her father.
(b) She is the only redhead at the home.
(c) The girls at the home disappear after their babies are born.
(d) There are never any boys around the home.

14. What does the girl in #137 ask Sissy?
(a) Who adopted her baby.
(b) What her name is.
(c) Where she came from.
(d) What excuse she gave the nuns.

15. What news does the person in #164 have for Rose?
(a) Rose's mother has died.
(b) She had another baby.
(c) She got married.
(d) He wants a divorce.

Short Answer Questions

1. How old is Sissy now?

2. Who helps Sissy get Son to the hospital?

3. Angie comes to visit with her new baby named _____________.

4. How do the people in Habit view the Catholics?

5. Which of the girls at the home takes a special liking to Sissy?

(see the answer keys)

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