The Path to Power Test | Final Test - Easy

Robert Caro
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Path to Power Test | Final Test - Easy

Robert Caro
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did Lyndon come to be known?
(a) Slim.
(b) LBJ.
(c) Tex.
(d) L.B. Johnson.

2. What organization within the government did Lyndon revitalize?
(a) The House of Representatives.
(b) The New Deal.
(c) Social Security Administration.
(d) Little Congress.

3. Lyndon's political career was a result of ____________________.
(a) being in the right place at the right time.
(b) constituent loyalty.
(c) relentless striving.
(d) great fundraising.

4. Who was an important figure in the building of the dam?
(a) Donald Swenson.
(b) James Everman.
(c) Herman Brown.
(d) Tyler Moore.

5. With what statewide agency was the person in #145 associated?
(a) Social Security Administration.
(b) American Red Cross.
(c) Civilian Conservation Corps.
(d) National Youth Administration.

6. What was Sam Rayburn's physical build?
(a) Lean and lanky.
(b) Big and tall.
(c) Short and stocky.
(d) Diminuitive.

7. Who is the assistant that Lyndon gets appointed to a permanent position in a statewide agency?
(a) Clayton Burgess.
(b) James Hall.
(c) Jesse Kellam.
(d) Michael Weston.

8. Which Senior Senator from Texas died, freeing up a seat Lyndon coveted?
(a) Edward Morrissey.
(b) Albert Hall.
(c) Philip Stanton.
(d) Morris Sheppard.

9. With what project did Lyndon align himself to gain some publicity?
(a) Civil Rights Law.
(b) The Vietnam War.
(c) The dam project.
(d) Minimum Wage Law.

10. What district in Texas did Lyndon represent?
(a) Twelfth.
(b) First.
(c) Tenth.
(d) Fifth.

11. How many aides did Lyndon have while working for Congressman Klerberg?
(a) 1.
(b) 5.
(c) 2.
(d) 3.

12. What was the intent of the letters Lyndon wrote during his time on the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee?
(a) Support the President.
(b) Raise funds.
(c) Ask for votes.
(d) Show appreciation.

13. Lyndon's work on the dam with ________________ solidified a political partnership.
(a) Edward Stanton.
(b) William Buckley.
(c) Bud Melville.
(d) Herman Brown.

14. Who was the other important figure in the building of the dam?
(a) William Seward.
(b) Terence Moore.
(c) Edward Smith.
(d) Alvin Wirtz.

15. From which region of Texas did Lyndon garner the most support?
(a) Texas Hill Country.
(b) Dallas Metropolitan Area.
(c) Padre Island.
(d) The Texas Panhandle.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who did the woman in #136 invite to Longlea as house guests to prove a point?

2. With whom did politicians have to struggle as noted in Chapter 28, "I'll Get It for You"?

3. Whose support did Lyndon garner with his association with this project?

4. On what committee did Lyndon get a position?

5. In what manner did Lyndon serve toward superiors?

(see the answer keys)

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