The Path Between the Seas Test | Final Test - Hard

David McCullough
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 200 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Path Between the Seas Test | Final Test - Hard

David McCullough
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 200 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. For an overall view of the Gatun dam site, Theodore Roosevelt races up the hillside and takes a look, and then the most famous moment of his trip takes place when Roosevelt does what?

2. Who lives to read about the opening of the Panama Canal in their quiet retirements?

3. The ICC's new Chairman, Theodore Perry Shonts, is best described how?

4. When Phillippe Banau-Varilla resigns as Panamanian envoy, resumes publishing Le Matin, and asks the salary due him be reserved to build a monument to whom?

5. John Walker does not accept the mosquito theory and insists the solution is what?

Short Essay Questions

1. George Washington Goethals did not have the easy way with people as his predecessor John Stevens did, so what steps did he take for effective leadership?

2. Which of the three presidents that the Panama Canal is built under is most crucial to it?

3. What is Panama's social structure like?

4. On what issue in the Canal Zone does Theodore Roosevelt place his utmost priority?

5. What are some of the critical points of the Hay- Herran Treaty ratified by the Senate 73-5 on March 17, 1903?

6. Where does David McCullough get his subtitle for Chapter 12?

7. What is the social life like in Panama for canal workers during Goethals' time?

8. What is the focus of attention from 1907-1913?

9. What would be an accurate description of John Stevens, the second chief engineer in Panama?

10. What does George Washington Goethals do after the canal is completed?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

"The Hero," subtitle for Chapter 2, is a reference to the sincere respect that surrounded Ferdinand de Lesseps subsequent to his success with the Suez Canal. He was in his 60s then, and could easily have retired on his tremendous success. Yet in 1875, now about 70 years old, he expresses public interest in an interoceanic canal in Central America, and joins with the Turr Syndicate. Is de Lesseps a willing confederate? Is he the guiding light? Is he merely an innocent dupe of the Turr Syndicate leaders? The "Great Engineer" may not have been that, during his life he was many things, but certainly no fool. Why needlessly risk his reputation?

Essay Topic 2

In 1884, at age 26, Phillippe Banau-Varilla is put in charge of operations at the Culebra and Pacific end of the Panama Canal. When the director general and his assistant resign, Banau-Varilla becomes acting head of the Panama project until 1886. Why do they place so young an individual in such important leadership positions? What education and experience does he have? How well is he able to perform? What happens when a permanent director general arrives? Where does Banau-Varilla go?

Essay Topic 3

No scandal in France surrounding the liquidation of Compagnie Universelle reportedly would have taken place except for Ydouard Drumont's publication of "La France Juive" in 1886. What is it about these articles that caused such a commotion? Are the allegations therein true? Why is there no previous complaint? Is there any connection between his writings and his imprisonment for libel?

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