The Path Between the Seas Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

David McCullough
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 200 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Path Between the Seas Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

David McCullough
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 200 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book 3, Chapter 15.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Transfer of the Canal Zone on May 4, 1904, is not ceremonial as Lieutenant Mark Brooke receives keys to the storehouses and hospital, signs a receipt, and the U.S. flag is raised where?
(a) At canal construction site near Panama City.
(b) Over a hotel.
(c) Over a hospital.
(d) Over a storeroom.

2. Before leaving Panama for New York en route to Paris, Ferdinand de Lesseps dismisses all talk regarding the deadly jungle climate and maintains what about the task?
(a) It will be more difficult than Suez.
(b) It will be easier than Suez, but take longer.
(c) It will be no harder than Suez.
(d) It will be easier than Suez.

3. The cream of the crop of 19th-century French engineers are trained at what two institutions (the most brilliant at the former, and only its top graduates at the latter)?
(a) Ycole Polytechnique and Ycole des Ponts et Chausyes.
(b) Ycole des Ponts et Paris and Ycole Polytechnic et Chausyes.
(c) Ycole des Ponts et Chausyes and Ycole Polytechnique.
(d) Universite Polytechnique et Paris and Ycole des Ponts et Chausyes.

4. When is the sanitation problem remedied at Colon when the town burns to the ground?
(a) April 1, 1885.
(b) March 31, 1885.
(c) March 29, 1885.
(d) March 30, 1885.

5. Based on various exploratory expeditions through 1875, at least how many points in Central America are determined to be sufficiently narrow to connect the Atlantic and Pacific oceans?
(a) 7.
(b) 12.
(c) 19.
(d) 3.

Short Answer Questions

1. Ferdinand de Lesseps briefly speaks at the Technical Commission's initial business session on January 6, 1880, then leaves it to rubber stamp what he wants in a 300-page report calling for what?

2. The liquidator's ordering a halt to work on the Isthmus instigates what among workers and shareholders?

3. Which delegate, so eager not to miss the 1879 Congris International d'Ytudes du Canal Interocyanique opening remarks, leaves his bags behind and has to purchase appropriate attire and call a barber in?

4. Lieutenant Lucien Napoleon Bonaparte Wyse negotiates a contract with Colombian President Aquileo Parra on March 23, 1878, including what conditions?

5. Yeas were primarily French, yet A.G. Menocal's analysis of the 1879 Congris International d'Ytudes du Canal Interocyanique canal site vote showed how many were French Society of Engineers members?

(see the answer key)

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