The Path Between the Seas Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

David McCullough
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The Path Between the Seas Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

David McCullough
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 200 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book 2, Chapter 13.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. John Walker asks Compagnie Nouvelle to verify it's franchises and title in Pa nama in April 1901, gets no reply by June, and has William Cromwell ask directly how much his client wants. They reply how?
(a) They state they are gathering the file, meanwhile have him make an offer.
(b) Offended by Cromwell's blunt cable, they fire him.
(c) They cannot reply until after the annual July meeting.
(d) They say they did not get Walker's query and will get back to him.

2. What other term or phrase describes Phillippe Banau-Varilla besides bold, vain, personable, energetic, practical, and brilliant?
(a) Ordained to restore the tarnished Colombian Honor.
(b) Comic schemer.
(c) Salvager of "The Great Idea of Nicaragua."
(d) Crusader for Scientific Truth.

3. A Saint Gotthard Tunnel engineer, Ribourt, warned the 1879 Congris International d'Ytudes du Canal Interocyanique that, even 24 hours a day, the Wyse plan including a tunnel would take how long?
(a) No less than 9 years.
(b) No less than 10 years.
(c) Noless than 7 years.
(d) No less than 11 years.

4. Theodore Roosevelt declares he would have recommended the Congress take possession of the isthmus had the Panamanians not revolted, as which nation is not a responsible power?
(a) Panama.
(b) Nicaragua.
(c) Mexico.
(d) Colombia.

5. In a special message to Congress on January 4, 1904, Theodore Roosevelt claims what nation violates a U.S. mandate to build the canal, the "great design" of the 1846 treaty to secure its construction?
(a) Nicaragua.
(b) Mexico.
(c) Colombia.
(d) Panama.

Short Answer Questions

1. Chapter 8 summarizes what evolves in the courtrooms and subsequent to massive corporate collapse that affects how many French investors?

2. A Compagnie Nouvelle du Canal de Panama is incorporated on October 20, 1894 and the liquidator extends the Wyse Concession through what year?

3. The 1879 Congris International d'Ytudes du Canal Interocyanique Technical Committe hears proposals for how many passage sites before focusing on the Americans' Nicaraguan and the Wyse plans?

4. What 100+ edition, 1,000+ page book holding Jews responsible for all woes appears in 1886, and when the Compagnie Universelle fails, whose "history" of the firm is a best seller in 1890?

5. In November 1881, who dies the apparent victim of malaria, the most common tropical disease?

(see the answer key)

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