The Path Between the Seas Quiz | One Week Quiz A

David McCullough
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 200 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Path Between the Seas Quiz | One Week Quiz A

David McCullough
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 200 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book 3, Chapter 17.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When do Theodore Perry Shonts and John Stevens land without ceremony at Colon?
(a) July 26, 1905.
(b) December 15, 1906.
(c) December 15, 1905.
(d) July 26, 1904.

2. Who orders commissaries established immediately, even if this will violate agreements with Panama?
(a) Theodore Roosevelt.
(b) William Howard Taft.
(c) Theodore Perry Shonts.
(d) John Stevens.

3. On May 2, 1902, the second key swaying event following the Morgan Committee reports is Mount Pelye exploding on Martinique; how far away and how many killed?
(a) 1,500 miles from Nicaragua, 3,000 killed.
(b) 3,000 miles from Nicaragua, 15,000 killed.
(c) 150 miles from Nicaragua, 3,000 killed.
(d) 1,500 miles from Nicaragua, 30,000 killed.

4. What takes place subsequent to the arrival of Theodore Perry Shonts and John Stevens in Panama?
(a) Stevens becomes the easygoing, relaxed master of the isthmus.
(b) Shonts becomes the irritating, authoritative master of the isthmus.
(c) Stevens becomes the irritating, authoritative master of the isthmus.
(d) Shonts becomes the easygoing, relaxed master of the isthmus..

5. Julesa Dingler restores order and confidence upon arrival, distributes the workload, purges the disloyal, and formulates what?
(a) First of several French master plans in Panama.
(b) A design for huge dam with 30% steeper banks.
(c) A plan to eliminate requirement for high laborer requirement.
(d) The only French master plan to be had in Panama.

Short Answer Questions

1. A huge dam taming the Chagres changes the slope, increasing the "cube" excavation by how much?

2. Some mortality estimates go up to 75% among French immigrants and beds are reported to be at such a premium that the dying have been placed where?

3. The Morgan Committee rejects the Walker Commission recommendations, the Senate debates the issues for two weeks, and Mt. Pelye's explosion and a Nicaraguan stamp turn odds how?

4. Due to continuing slides, the "total cube" of the cut steadily increases, until it appears necessary for the top of the cut to be how far wide to achieve a mathematically stable 1:4 ratio?

5. When is the sanitation problem remedied at Colon when the town burns to the ground?

(see the answer key)

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