The Passion Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Passion Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Patrick talk about while he is sick?
(a) Going back to Ireland.
(b) Killing himself.
(c) Killing Napoleon.
(d) Going to hell.

2. How has the Queen changed since Villanelle last saw her.
(a) She is extremely thin.
(b) She has grey hair.
(c) She is in a wheelchair.
(d) She has gained weight.

3. Where is Henri at the start of Chapter 4?
(a) In Villanelle´s house.
(b) On the canal.
(c) In an asylum.
(d) In a museum.

4. What quest has the Queen´s husband gone on in Chapter 4?
(a) To find his long lost love.
(b) To find the Mona Lisa.
(c) To find the Holy Grail.
(d) To fight Napoleon.

5. What slips into the canal when Villanelle sees the Queen on her balcony?
(a) A plant.
(b) Her bag.
(c) Her oar.
(d) A rug.

Short Answer Questions

1. At the beginning of Chapter 3, what does Henri say happens to Patrick?

2. What do Villanelle´s parents serve them when Henri and Villanelle reach Venice?

3. How does Villanelle wear her hair when she is on the canal?

4. How does the vivandiere say she was able to get the food she and Patrick are eating?

5. Who is set to inherit the cook´s money if Villanelle cannot?

Short Essay Questions

1. What are the terms of Villanelle's husband's will? How does this influence Henri's decision to confess?

2. What does Villanelle use her inheritance to buy? What is unusual about this?

3. What does Villanelle tell Henri he must find in the Queen's house? How does Villanelle convince Henri to do this?

4. When Henri goes to steal food before he leaves, who does he find in the kitchen? What are they eating?

5. What do the Russian peasants call the czar? What do they do as the Napoleonic army arrives?

6. When Henri and Villanelle reach Venice, who do they stay with? How is Henri received?

7. How long does Villanelle say she knew the Queen of Spades? How many nights did they have together?

8. When Henri asks Patrick to desert with him, what does Patrick say? What is Henri´s reaction to the state of his good friend?

9. How does Villanelle know the cook? What connection does Henri finally make between him, Villanelle, and her fluency in French?

10. When Villanelle's husband catches up with her, what do they do to settle the score? What happens to Villanelle?

(see the answer keys)

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