The Passenger Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Passenger Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. In the non-italicized section of Chapter 6, what keeps the rest of the crew from joining Bobby?

2. In the non-italicized section of Chapter 6, what invitation does Bobby get in a letter from John Aldrich the following year?

3. Who owns the restaurant or the building that the restaurant is in that Kline and Bobby go to?

4. In the non-italicized section of Chapter 8, where does Brat get admitted to school?

5. In the non-italicized section of Chapter 5, what does John say to the waiter that he definitely does not want?

Short Essay Questions

1. After Bobby's meeting with the IRS agent, he meets up with Kline. What does Kline say about the shape of his own life and how is that a contrast to Bobby's life?

2. What does the IRS do to Bobby?

3. How does the person that Bobby meets with after talking to the guys in suits know that Bobby's sister was beautiful?

4. In the italicized section of Chapter 5, what does the Kid tell the girl about math and reality before she goes to bed?

5. As a child what does Bobby find in the woods?

6. What happens to Bobby's pet while Bobby is away on the jack-up rig? How does it happen?

7. Where does Bobby go to live for the winter after having his conversation with Kline about Bobby getting on with his life?

8. What does the IRS agent at the post office say is the reason for the IRS becoming involved in Bobby's life?

9. In the italicized section of Chapter 5, why does Bobby change his major from math to physics?

10. What cathartic exclamations does Bobby make at the end of his visit with the person who comes to visit Bobby while Bobby is living alone in a shack by the beach?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Why does the author include a lengthy conversation about who killed John F. Kennedy? What is your experience of reading this section? How is this lengthy conversation a different experience than the one about math and physics? What are you able to grasp from a careful reading of this conversation? How does this conversation connect to the idea of reality compared to the perception of reality? Or the idea that perception shapes reality?

Essay Topic 2

Why does the author include a lengthy section of conversation about math and physics? What is your experience reading this section? Does it have a connection to the rest of the story? What do you get out of reading a conversation like that, that is difficult for a lot of people to understand?

Essay Topic 3

What role does the Kid play in the story? What does he represent for Alicia? What does he represent in regard to a discussion about reality as compared to things that are just outside of reality that require belief and a letting go of the tangibility of this physical world in order to understand them?

(see the answer keys)

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