The Passenger Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Passenger Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Bobby visits a person at Stella Maris. What religious historical figure does that person have a vision of?
(a) Abraham.
(b) Mary.
(c) Jesus.
(d) Moses.

2. In the non-italicized section of Chapter 5, what does John say is more binding than blood?
(a) Being in the same profession.
(b) Reading the same few dozen books.
(c) Having a similar difficult experience.
(d) Being in love with the same woman.

3. In the italicized section of Chapter 6, what does the girl think that she and her other classmates look like in their all white clothes?
(a) Like clouds in the sky.
(b) Like snow in a field.
(c) Like dead children in a dream.
(d) Like angels in heaven.

4. In the italicized section of Chapter 7, what does the Kid initially say that the sticker says on the dummy's trunk?
(a) Progeny of Western Union.
(b) Base One Processing.
(c) Phi Beta Kappa.
(d) Woodsmen of The World.

5. What is John's good news and bad news in Chapter 8?
(a) Tulsa is back.
(b) He is buying Arnaud's.
(c) He has been taken into confidence by a high ranking mafia member.
(d) He inherited a vast sum of money.

Short Answer Questions

1. In the non-italicized section of Chapter 7, after Bobby leaves the agent's office, he thinks about his visit to his sister's mental hospital. What is the name of the mental hospital?

2. After returning to New Orleans, why does Kline say that Bobby would make a bad fugitive?

3. In the italicized section of Chapter 5, what makes the girl flush her meds down the toilet?

4. In the non-italicized section of Chapter 7, what happens when Bobby tries to withdraw money from his bank?

5. Where does Bobby live when he arrives at his destination after leaving New Orleans for the winter?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Kline think is happening to Bobby in regard to Bobby doing dumb things?

2. Where does Bobby go to live for the winter after having his conversation with Kline about Bobby getting on with his life?

3. In the italicized section of Chapter 5, what does the Kid tell the girl about math and reality before she goes to bed?

4. Why does Bobby go back Wartburg, Tennessee after his conversation with Asher?

5. In the opening of the non-italicized section of Chapter 6, where is Bobby and what is he doing?

6. After Bobby's meeting with the IRS agent, he meets up with Kline. What does Kline say about the shape of his own life and how is that a contrast to Bobby's life?

7. What does the IRS do to Bobby?

8. How does the person that Bobby meets with after talking to the guys in suits know that Bobby's sister was beautiful?

9. Over the winter, Bobby has a dream of a doctor and a nurse showing him something and asking if Bobby wants to show that something to her. What is the thing that they are discussing and who is the "her"?

10. What is Bobby's response to the IRS agent at the post office?

(see the answer keys)

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