The Passenger Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Passenger Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In the Italicized section of Chapter 3, after they talk about her report card, who does the Kid call to sing a song for the girl?
(a) A musician wearing suspenders and a top hat.
(b) Grogan.
(c) Lawn dwarves.
(d) A ventriloquist.

2. In the non-italicized section of Chapter 1, what part of Oiler's life does Bobby want Oiler to tell him about?
(a) Oiler's time in jail.
(b) Oiler's time in Vietnam.
(c) Oiler's time in college.
(d) Oiler's time in Mexico.

3. In the non-italicized section of Chapter 3, where is Oiler going on his next dive job?
(a) Brazil.
(b) Argentina.
(c) Venezuela.
(d) Chile.

4. In the non-italicized section of Chapter 2, who does Bobby meet for lunch at Galatoire's?
(a) Oiler.
(b) Long John.
(c) Debussy Fields.
(d) Bianca Pharaoh.

5. In the non-italicized section of Chapter 4, who do all the smart people think was the smartest man that god ever made?
(a) Feynman.
(b) Einstein.
(c) Bobby's father.
(d) Oppenheimer.

6. In the non-italicized section of Chapter 4, where in the basement does Bobby find what he is looking for?
(a) In the concrete behind the stairs.
(b) In floor in the north corner of the basement.
(c) In the rafters in the ceiling of the basement.
(d) In a hidden closet along the wall.

7. In the Italicized section of the Chapter 1, in the girl's dream, what are she and Bobby running after?
(a) A train.
(b) A car.
(c) A plane.
(d) A bus.

8. In the non-italicized section of Chapter 3, what is Bobby's pet's name?
(a) Billy Ray.
(b) Joey Jack.
(c) Fluffy Flam.
(d) Willy Jon.

9. In the non-italicized section of Chapter 3, what is Bobby's sister's name?
(a) Ellen.
(b) Jean.
(c) Alicia.
(d) Brenda.

10. In the non-italicized section of Chapter 4, what does Bobby's sister say that God is interested in?
(a) Our fear.
(b) Our silence.
(c) Our loyalty.
(d) Our belief.

11. In the Italicized section of Chapter 3, who does the girl say is the only one of the Kid's cohorts that she cares about?
(a) Miss Vivian.
(b) Miss Jacquelyn.
(c) Miss Elvira.
(d) Mr. Bones.

12. In the non-italicized section of Chapter 3, the person Bobby calls back has a dream about Bobby. What is the dream?
(a) That Bobby went into a building that was on fire.
(b) That Bobby met God.
(c) That Bobby got arrested.
(d) That Bobby drowned on a dive job.

13. In the non-italicized section of Chapter 2, what is the name of the of the office manager at the Taylor's?
(a) Lou.
(b) Frank.
(c) Kevin.
(d) Dennis.

14. In the non-italicized section of Chapter 2, why does Bobby's lunch friend say they tried to kiss their elbow after falling out of tree?
(a) Because if they kissed their elbow they could change from a boy to a girl.
(b) Because if they kissed their elbow, they would meet their true love.
(c) Because if they kissed their elbow their bone would instantly heal.
(d) Because if they kissed their elbow, they would have good luck for seven years.

15. In the non-italicized section of Chapter 1, what started the fire in Bianca's apartment?
(a) Cats soaked in paint thinner.
(b) Her pet bird knocked over a lit candle.
(c) Her dog knocked over a kerosene lamp.
(d) Mice taking matches and leaving them under a heat lamp.

Short Answer Questions

1. In the non-italicized section of Chapter 3, who does Bobby go downriver with?

2. In the italicized section of Chapter 1, what mathematical term does the Kid accuse the girl of calling him?

3. In the italicized section of Chapter 4, why does the Kid say that he came first without his cohorts?

4. In the italicized section of Chapter 2, at what age does the girl say that her hallucinations started?

5. In the non-italicized section of Chapter 4, what does Bobby's paternal grandfather do as a profession?

(see the answer keys)

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