The Palm-wine Drinkard and His Dead Palm-wine Tapster in the Dead's Town Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Palm-wine Drinkard and His Dead Palm-wine Tapster in the Dead's Town Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the verdict for the first case?
(a) Someone is sentenced to life in prison.
(b) Someone is sentenced to death.
(c) There is none because the case is postponed.
(d) Someone is sentenced to one year in prison.

2. In the second case, which wife does the husband first pick when he is brought back to life?
(a) His third wife.
(b) None, the third wife offers herself.
(c) His second wife.
(d) His first wife.

3. Why can't the slave escape the rain?
(a) Land has cursed him to never be dry again.
(b) The rain only goes where he goes.
(c) The drinkard has prohibited anyone in the town to help him, so he can not find cover.
(d) No one will let them in their house because they fear he will bring them to Heaven.

4. From the second case the drinkard tries, what did the first wife do when her husband died unexpectedly?
(a) She did nothing.
(b) She died with her husband.
(c) She went in search of a wizard.
(d) She stayed and guarded the dead husband's body.

5. What did the red king kill that caused the town to turn red?
(a) A wizard.
(b) A red bird and red fish.
(c) A red tree.
(d) A red creature.

Short Answer Questions

1. How much palm-wine does the drinkard consume with his friends when he first returns home?

2. According to the tapster, why do "alives" and "deads" not live together?

3. Why can't Faithful-Mother accompany the drinkard and his wife on the rest of their journey?

4. What was the tapster called before he died?

5. When does "Invisible-Pawn" do his work?

Short Essay Questions

1. In no more than three sentences, comment on the treatment of magic versus realism in this story. Are the two distinguishable within the world of this novel?

2. What new power does the drinkard's wife develop during pages 248-264?

3. Describe the group of four hundred dead babies the drinkard and his wife meet on the road.

4. Describe the "Red-Lady" and her fashion taste.

5. Comment on how the drinkard sums up his journey, "And so all our trials, difficulties and many years' travel brought only an egg or resulted in an egg." (Chapter 32, p. 295)

6. Explain why some might consider the drinkard to be a "good" character in the end and another might see him as a "bad" character.

7. Describe the white tree.

8. What themes do we find in "The Invisible-Pawn" chapter that we have seen in earlier chapters?

9. How could the magic egg be seen as symbolic?

10. Describe the feud between Heaven and Land.

(see the answer keys)

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