The Palm-wine Drinkard and His Dead Palm-wine Tapster in the Dead's Town Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Palm-wine Drinkard and His Dead Palm-wine Tapster in the Dead's Town Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Zurrjir?
(a) The complete gentleman.
(b) The woman's father.
(c) The drinkard's son.
(d) Skull's brother.

2. What is the drinkard's financial situation when he meets Drums, Song, and Dance?
(a) He is penniless.
(b) He is financially stable.
(c) It is not specified.
(d) He is very rich.

3. Where does Skull live?
(a) Inside a rotting log.
(b) Under a big rock.
(c) In a hole.
(d) In the side of a hill.

4. How does "Spirit of Prey" kill his prey?
(a) He spits on his prey.
(b) He uses a bow and arrow.
(c) He whispers the name of his prey.
(d) He fixes his eyes on his prey and then closes them.

5. Where did the tapster go after leaving town?
(a) Unreturnable-Heaven's Town.
(b) Mixed Town.
(c) Dead's Town.
(d) Palm-wine Grove.

6. What is true about the "highway men"?
(a) They are all red.
(b) They charge tolls.
(c) They are very short.
(d) They come in gangs.

7. Why does the drinkard cut down a tree when he and his wife reach the river?
(a) He carves it into weapons.
(b) He carves it into a boat.
(c) He carves it into a paddle.
(d) He makes his wife a wooden doll.

8. Who figures out how to help the woman eat and speak again?
(a) Her father.
(b) The drinkard.
(c) Zurrjir.
(d) The complete gentleman.

9. Who is inside the white tree?
(a) Oak Spirit.
(b) Faithful-Mother.
(c) The tapster.
(d) A mouse.

10. Who is the terrible animal?
(a) The tapster in form of a beast.
(b) The owner of the land where the drinkard has planted his crops.
(c) Someone the drinkard has sentenced in court.
(d) The drinkard's son reincarnated.

11. What won't "half-bodied baby" let his parents do?
(a) Talk or laugh.
(b) Eat or laugh.
(c) Talk or sleep.
(d) Eat or sleep.

12. What is NOT true about the "complete" gentleman?
(a) He wears expensive clothes.
(b) He is beautiful.
(c) He could be sold for at least two thousand pounds.
(d) He is short.

13. How do the drinkard and his wife escape the people of "Unreturnable-Heaven's Town"?
(a) They create a flood with their juju.
(b) They sneak away at night
(c) They burn down the town.
(d) They fly away on the eagle.

14. What does the drinkard change the woman into as they escape from Skull?
(a) A bullfrog.
(b) A tiny kitten.
(c) A sparrow-like bird.
(d) A lizard.

15. What does the drinkard change himself into as he and the woman escape from Skull?
(a) A tiny kitten.
(b) A sparrow-like bird.
(c) A lizard.
(d) A bullfrog.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the woman's father finally tell the drinkard?

2. To complete his first challenge, what does the drinkard turn himself into?

3. Which god does the king make the drinkard meet?

4. What do the creatures do when the drinkard transforms himself in "No road--out to travel from bust to bush to the Dead's town"?

5. Who dies in the fire that the drinkard starts?

(see the answer keys)

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