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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. How much heavier was Ballinger than Poe?
2. How long does Poe say that Artemus left the parlor when Landor and Dr. Marquis were upstairs?
3. From what type of animal does Dr. Marquis believe the heart is from that Hitchcock and Landor found in Artemus' quarters?
4. In Poe's report dated November 14, when did he have tea with the Marquis household?
5. Who does Landor remember writing poems for?
Short Essay Questions
1. Why does Landor have Captain Hitchcock call Artemus into his office in Chapter 27?
2. When Poe first went to the Marquis home for tea, what musical entertainment was there?
3. What arrangements are made at Benny Havens' establishment for times when one of Thayer's men would come looking for cadets?
4. What happens when Hitchcock and Landor search Artemus' room?
5. Why does Poe believe that the dead haunt the living?
6. Who is Gouverneur Kemble?
7. Why does Landor believe Cadet Stoddard has left West Point and run away?
8. What complaints does Poe have about Mr. Allan, his guardian?
9. Why did Private Horatio Cochrane leave his post when he was to guard Fry's body the night Fry was killed?
10. What lies does Landor learn that Poe has told?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Poe is removed from the investigation. How and why is Poe removed from the murder investigation?
Essay Topic 2
Dialogue tags help identify who is speaking in a written conversation. What would happen if dialogue tags were never used to identify who is speaking in a written conversation? What are some common dialogue tags used to identify speakers in a written conversation? What descriptive dialogue tags Bayard use? How do those dialogue tags help readers imagine scenes? How do they add another layer of description?
Essay Topic 3
Accumulation is a literary device that allows an author to gather scattered ideas in a literary work and gradually build on information readers need to know. From whose perspective are various sections told? How does each section add information? How does the use of multiple viewpoints allow Bayard to use accumulation to advance the plot and provide important details to readers?
This section contains 983 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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