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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. In Chapter 17, how old is Lea Marquis?
2. How old does Poe look wearing a uniform and a mustache in Chapter 30?
3. How old was Artemus when he could name all the bones and organs in the human body?
4. In Chapter 28, how long does Poe say he was at the University of Virginia?
5. Where does a local fisherman report that he took Cadet Stoddard?
Short Essay Questions
1. During Poe's visit to the Marquis home for tea, what invitation did he extend to Miss Marquis, and what was her response?
2. What happens when Hitchcock and Landor search Artemus' room?
3. Why does Poe believe that the dead haunt the living?
4. Why does Hitchcock think that Poe is a suspect in the murders?
5. Who is escorting Lea Marquis to Gouverneur Kemble's gathering in Chapter 30?
6. Who is Gouverneur Kemble?
7. In Chapter 24, how does Landor describe Lea Marquis?
8. When Poe first went to the Marquis home for tea, what musical entertainment was there?
9. What lies does Landor learn that Poe has told?
10. What does Dr. Marquis say about the heart Hitchcock and Landor find in Artemus' woodbox?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Landor is selected to investigate a murder at West Point. Why is Landor selected to investigate Fry’s death and mutilation?
Essay Topic 2
Accumulation is a literary device that allows an author to gather scattered ideas in a literary work and gradually build on information readers need to know. From whose perspective are various sections told? How does each section add information? How does the use of multiple viewpoints allow Bayard to use accumulation to advance the plot and provide important details to readers?
Essay Topic 3
Poe is very taken with Lea when he first meets her. Are his feelings love or infatuation?
This section contains 864 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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