The Pale Blue Eye Test | Final Test - Medium

Louis Bayard
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Pale Blue Eye Test | Final Test - Medium

Louis Bayard
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. From what type of animal does Dr. Marquis believe the heart is from that Hitchcock and Landor found in Artemus' quarters?
(a) Cow.
(b) Dog.
(c) Cat.
(d) Sheep.

2. In Chapter 19, what passage does Landor remember a family would always quote when they would bring their son who had a spell of falling sickness to Landor's father?
(a) Matthew 11:28-30.
(b) Mark 9:17-30.
(c) James 5:14-15.
(d) John 3:16-4:10.

3. In Chapter 30, what ailment does Lea say that her mother has on Wednesdays?
(a) Vapors.
(b) Migraine.
(c) Hysteria.
(d) Neuralgia.

4. How far is the West Point cemetery from the Academy?
(a) About a 1/4 mile.
(b) About 3/4 of a mile.
(c) About 2/3 of a mile.
(d) About 1/2 a mile.

5. When Miss Marquis disappears and Poe finds her in a bush at the cemetery, where does she have a bruise?
(a) Shoulder.
(b) Forearm.
(c) Left temple.
(d) Right temple.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Landor kick Ballinger in Chapter 20?

2. Why did Mrs. Marquis sequester herself in her bedroom when Poe had tea at the Marquis home?

3. Who does Landor remember writing poems for?

4. What time does Poe arrive at Benny Havens' in Chapter 28?

5. Who was the main character in a poem Poe recited when he had tea with the Marquis household?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 24, how does Landor describe Lea Marquis?

2. During Poe's visit to the Marquis home for tea, what invitation did he extend to Miss Marquis, and what was her response?

3. Who is Gouverneur Kemble?

4. What arrangements are made at Benny Havens' establishment for times when one of Thayer's men would come looking for cadets?

5. How is Ballinger killed?

6. Who is escorting Lea Marquis to Gouverneur Kemble's gathering in Chapter 30?

7. What happens when Hitchcock and Landor search Artemus' room?

8. What lies does Landor learn that Poe has told?

9. Where does the Marquis family live?

10. What does Poe say when Landor asks him if Artemus left the parlor when Landor went upstairs with Dr. Marquis?

(see the answer keys)

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