The Painted Veil Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Painted Veil Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of the current Colonial Secretary?
(a) Williams.
(b) Townsend.
(c) Simmons.
(d) Jefferson.

2. When Kitty calls Charlie at the end of Chapter 5, what does he advise her?
(a) To sit tight.
(b) To call Walter and tell a small lie.
(c) To leave the house immediately.
(d) To invite over a friend.

3. How does Mrs. Garstin feel towards Mr. Garstin?
(a) She despises him.
(b) She adores him.
(c) She feels a platonic friendship for him.
(d) She is indifferent to him.

4. Why do Walter and Kitty plan their wedding so quickly?
(a) Walter has to return to China in the fall.
(b) They are madly in love and don't want to wait.
(c) Kitty is afraid he'll change his mind.
(d) Mrs. Garstin forces them to marry before it gets too hot.

5. What instrument does Charlie play?
(a) The piano.
(b) The harp.
(c) He does not play an instrument.
(d) The violin.

Short Answer Questions

1. How old is Charlie?

2. After Kitty appears so radiant (shortly after commencing her affair with Charlie), what do her friends assume?

3. What type of books does Walter like to read?

4. In Chapter 5, how does Kitty find out that Walter has been home?

5. Why doesn't Walter like to answer questions about himself?

Short Essay Questions

1. Walter claims he knew that Kitty had no feelings for him when they married, why did he still want to marry her?

2. Why does Kitty feel her social position is lower in Hong Kong than it was at home in England?

3. After noting Charlie's response to Walter's ultimatum, what does she come to see was Walter's motivation in making it?

4. How does her affair with Charlie affect Kitty's appearance?

5. When Walter returns home, what clues lead Kitty to believe he knows about her affair?

6. After they have been married for some time, why is Kitty surprised Walter ever fell in love with her?

7. After Kitty describes Walter's polite and standoffish behavior in Chapter 20, why does Charlie become so confident and happy?

8. How many reasons does Charlie give for a potentially calm reaction from Walter upon finding out about their rendezvous?

9. What two attributes does Mrs.Garstin display in the way she arranges her dinner parties?

10. What was different about Maugham's writing process on The Painted Veil compared to his other works?

(see the answer keys)

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