The Painted Veil Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Painted Veil Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Walter asks Kitty if the baby is his, what is her response?
(a) She refuses to answer.
(b) She tells him it is his.
(c) She doesn't know.
(d) She tells him it is Charlie's.

2. What does Walter routinely do after Kitty goes to bed during their stay at Mei-tan-fu?
(a) Listen to music and relax.
(b) Return to the infirmary to tend to the sick.
(c) Work in his laboratory.
(d) Go to sleep.

3. How many people die each day in Mei-tan-fu from the cholera?
(a) 100.
(b) 76.
(c) 115.
(d) 25.

4. What reason does Walter give for despising himself in Chapter 47?
(a) He despises his inadequacies in helping the sick.
(b) He despises himself for wanting Kitty to die.
(c) He despises his previous love for Kitty.
(d) He despises his shyness.

5. What French delicacy does Mother Superior serve Kitty during tea?
(a) French crepes.
(b) A type of French goat cheese.
(c) French bread called baquettes.
(d) French cakes called Madeleines.

6. Where do Waddington and Kitty make an excursion to on a Sunday in Chapter 53?
(a) A beautiful waterful.
(b) A Buddhist monastery.
(c) A neighboring city.
(d) To visit a new British family from Hong Kong.

7. How does Mother Superior treat Kitty since the discovery of her pregnancy?
(a) She is more standoffish to Kitty.
(b) There is no change in her manner towards Kitty.
(c) She becomes more easily frustrated and mean to Kitty.
(d) She is more kind and friendly with her.

8. What is Kitty's last request of Walter?
(a) She asks him to give her a kiss.
(b) She asks him to tell her he loves her.
(c) She asks for forgiveness.
(d) She asks him to forgive himself.

9. What do the children at the convent think of Kitty?
(a) They like her and come to her with concerns.
(b) They are upset at her intrusion and ignore her presence.
(c) The like to watch her, but are too nervous to get close to her.
(d) They are afraid of her pale skin.

10. What was Mother Superior's first name before she became a nun?
(a) Marie.
(b) Nicole.
(c) Kitty doesn't know.
(d) Odette.

11. As Kitty spends more time with the nuns, how does she feel about the Catholic faith?
(a) She feels too unworthy to become a Catholic.
(b) She begins to adopt Catholic beliefs and wishes to be baptized.
(c) She is disgusted by Catholic beliefs.
(d) She admires the nuns, but does not share their beliefs.

12. How do the nuns regard Kitty's pregnancy?
(a) They are indifferent to her pregnancy.
(b) They find her pregnancy an inconvenience.
(c) They are curious and excited.
(d) They feel her pregnancy is a sin.

13. Why does Mother Superior hesitate to allow Kitty to work in the convent?
(a) She's afraid Kitty is too weak and pale to work.
(b) Kitty is a Protestant, not Catholic.
(c) She does not think Chinese officials will allow it.
(d) She's afraid Waddington would disapprove.

14. When Kitty finds herself suffering nausea and vomits, what causes her to faint?
(a) She receives some bad news about Walter.
(b) One of the children vomits as well, and she faints when she sees it.
(c) She is afraid she has cholera.
(d) She doesn't faint, but quickly regains her composure.

15. What crime is Colonel Yu trying desperately to prevent in Mei-tan-fu?
(a) Rape.
(b) Espionage.
(c) Kidnapping.
(d) Looting.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does the Chinese surgeon think that Walter contracted cholera?

2. Who comes to tell Kitty that Walter has fallen ill?

3. Why does Kitty attend the daily services in the chapel with the other nuns and children?

4. What does Mother Superior describe as her last sight of France?

5. What habit of the Fanes does Waddington find surprising and dangerous?

(see the answer keys)

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