The Painted Veil Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Painted Veil Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Charlie think that Walter would do if he found out about the affair going on between himself and Kitty?
(a) Divorce Kitty.
(b) Do nothing or ignore it.
(c) Try to get Charlie fired.
(d) Alert Charlie's spouse.

2. What is the name of the current Colonial Secretary?
(a) Williams.
(b) Townsend.
(c) Jefferson.
(d) Simmons.

3. How many children do Charlie and Dorothy have?
(a) 1.
(b) 2.
(c) 3.
(d) 4.

4. How does Mrs. Garstin persuade Mr. Garstin to do something he isn't inclined to do?
(a) She nags him until he relents in exhaustion.
(b) She makes logical arguments to bring him around to her point-of-view.
(c) She begs and pleads until he cannot resist her entreaties.
(d) She gives him the silent treatment until he gives in.

5. Where does Walter propose to Kitty?
(a) At a social dance.
(b) In a restaurant.
(c) In her sitting room.
(d) The park.

6. How does Charlie describe his feelings for Dorothy?
(a) They are happily in love.
(b) They quarrel constantly.
(c) They are excellent friends.
(d) They are completely indifferent to each other.

7. What compliment does Charlie regularly pay Dorothy?
(a) She has marvelous fashion sense.
(b) She is extremely attractive.
(c) She is a wonderful hostess.
(d) She is a wonderful mother.

8. What piece of furniture does Kitty sit on throughout her discussion with Charlie at the curio shop?
(a) An antique divan.
(b) A bed.
(c) A sandalwood chest.
(d) The floor.

9. Why doesn't Kitty like Charlie's wife's name?
(a) She dislikes her own name and is jealous.
(b) It reminds her of her mother.
(c) She feels the name dates a person.
(d) It is difficult to remember.

10. Where do Charlie and Kitty usually meet?
(a) A rented hotel room above a cafe.
(b) Charlie's office.
(c) The cottage of a friend.
(d) The house of a curio dealer.

11. How does Mrs. Garstin feel towards Mr. Garstin?
(a) She despises him.
(b) She is indifferent to him.
(c) She adores him.
(d) She feels a platonic friendship for him.

12. What plans do Kitty and Walter have for their evening in Chapter 21?
(a) They are hosting a dinner party.
(b) They are dining out with some friends.
(c) They plan to play games with another couple.
(d) They are packing for a vacation.

13. After Kitty and Walter's discussion of divorce, where does she go to meet Charlie?
(a) At his office.
(b) At a favorite restaurant.
(c) At the curio shop.
(d) At his home.

14. When Kitty catches Walter's glance through the course of the meal, what expression does she see in his eyes?
(a) Intense anger.
(b) Mortal sadness.
(c) Haughty conceit.
(d) Glazed indifference.

15. After Kitty appears so radiant (shortly after commencing her affair with Charlie), what do her friends assume?
(a) That she and Walter are more in love than ever.
(b) That she has discovered an Asian beauty secret.
(c) That she is expecting a baby.
(d) That she has begun an illicit affair.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Charlie leave the sitting room in Chapter 1?

2. When Charlie and Kitty adjourn to the sitting room, what does he try to give her?

3. Often, why doesn't Walter respond to casual remarks that Kitty makes?

4. Who does Kitty initially blame for her mistake in marriage?

5. After being married for some time, how does Kitty feel towards Walter?

(see the answer keys)

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