The Ox-Bow Incident Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Ox-Bow Incident Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What suggestion is made that almost has Tetley and Gil coming to blows?
(a) The suggestion that Gil has lost his stomach for the hanging.
(b) That Gil is the one responsible for Kinkaid's death.
(c) That Tetley just wants his son to experience death.
(d) That Tetley is eager to kill someone.

2. What surprises the posse as they approach the fire of the suspected rustlers?
(a) It is an ambush.
(b) There is no guard posted.
(c) There are no cattle.
(d) There is no one there.

3. Why does Gerald claim to have joined the group?
(a) Because he is weak and his father is not.
(b) Because he has never seen a lynching before.
(c) Because he believes the guilty should hang.
(d) Because he is ready to show his father who he is.

4. What was used to cauterize Art's wounded shoulder?
(a) A heated belt buckle.
(b) A heated up pistol barrel.
(c) A hot knife.
(d) A heated medallion.

5. Who refutes Donald's claim regarding bill of sale?
(a) Drew's foreman.
(b) Drew's brother.
(c) Drew's sister in law.
(d) Drew's wife.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of Art's horse?

2. Where does Donald Martin claim to live?

3. What is the first contact the group makes on the trail?

4. Where does Martin claim to have met him?

5. Who else was in the coach?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who does Tetley direct to be responsible for whipping the horses out from underneath the men who are about to be hanged and why?

2. What makes Gil confront Tetley and why do they almost come to blows?

3. What is unusual about the fact that Art would give Sparks his coat, and why would many men not have done so?

4. Who does Art find himself standing next to when the posse scatters after someone is convinced that they heard someone coming and what does Art do despite Sparks' objections?

5. Why do the elder and younger Tetley's not see eye to eye?

6. Where do the men believe that the rustlers and their cattle might have stopped for the night?

7. Why don't the men in the posse believe Martin when he explains the situation to them?

8. What is the tone of the conversation between Gerard and Art as they are on the trail to Pike's Hole and how does Gerald see men and women in general?

9. What surprises Tetley and the rest of his group when they move in to confront the men they suspect of rustling and killing Kinkaid?

10. What group of riders heads the posse and what do they discover at the mountain path leading to the town of Pike's Hole?

(see the answer keys)

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