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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Which posse member is Drew's foreman?
(a) Davies.
(b) Moore.
(c) Mark.
(d) Gerald.
2. What suggestion is made that almost has Tetley and Gil coming to blows?
(a) The suggestion that Gil has lost his stomach for the hanging.
(b) That Tetley just wants his son to experience death.
(c) That Tetley is eager to kill someone.
(d) That Gil is the one responsible for Kinkaid's death.
3. Where does Martin claim to have met him?
(a) In Los Angeles.
(b) In San Francisco.
(c) In Santa Cruz.
(d) In San Diego.
4. What does Davies do that upsets Donald?
(a) He preaches the gospel ceaselessly.
(b) He refuses to see Donald's wife personally.
(c) He tries to show Tetley Donald's letter to his wife.
(d) He wants to read Donald's letter out loud.
5. What was used to cauterize Art's wounded shoulder?
(a) A heated belt buckle.
(b) A heated medallion.
(c) A hot knife.
(d) A heated up pistol barrel.
Short Answer Questions
1. How was Donald Martin killed?
2. Why does Donald Martin claim to have Drew's cows?
3. What does Art offer Sparks?
4. Whose voice brought them to a stop?
5. What does the old man tell Tetley to confirm he couldn't have killed anyone?
Short Essay Questions
1. How does Gil react when he realizes that Rose is one of the coach's passengers, and why?
2. Why don't the men in the posse believe Martin when he explains the situation to them?
3. What evidence is revealed when Juan attempts to escape that seems to be an irrefutable link between the three men and Kinkaid's death?
4. What is the situation at the end of the Ox-Bow valley?
5. What is the tone of the conversation between Gerard and Art as they are on the trail to Pike's Hole and how does Gerald see men and women in general?
6. Why is the other evidence offered by Martin to support his claims of innocence refuted by the posse members?
7. What makes Gil confront Tetley and why do they almost come to blows?
8. What does Martin beg the posse to do in order to give him and his men the benefit of the doubt?
9. What surprises Tetley and the rest of his group when they move in to confront the men they suspect of rustling and killing Kinkaid?
10. What happens when Mapes fires the shot that signaled the time to whip the horses out?
This section contains 1,175 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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