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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Who does Mark claim bought the ranch from Baker?
(a) Peter Wilde.
(b) Joe Johnson.
(c) Paul Tamer.
(d) Jim Jackman.
2. Where does Martin claim to have gotten the cattle?
(a) From Charlie Drew.
(b) From Drew Charlie.
(c) From Harley Drew.
(d) From Drew Harley.
3. What does Davies do that upsets Donald?
(a) He refuses to see Donald's wife personally.
(b) He wants to read Donald's letter out loud.
(c) He tries to show Tetley Donald's letter to his wife.
(d) He preaches the gospel ceaselessly.
4. What does Gil learn that upsets him?
(a) Rose just got married.
(b) Rose was married to someone last year.
(c) Rose has brought her whole family back.
(d) Rose is pregnant.
5. Who does Tetley ask to retrieve their guns?
(a) Farnley.
(b) Art.
(c) Gerald.
(d) Gil.
6. What does Gerald claim makes up the biggest part of womens' power?
(a) Men.
(b) Their sexual appeal.
(c) Other women.
(d) Their ability to have children.
7. Where did Donald Martin claim to have come from?
(a) Shooting Star, Texas.
(b) Santa Ana, California.
(c) Jumping Jack, Oregon.
(d) Sinking Spring, Ohio.
8. What does Gerald claim he will do if they accomplish their goal?
(a) He will leave town for good.
(b) He will get blind drunk.
(c) He will hang himself.
(d) He will sever ties with his father.
9. Who does Martin claim is waiting for him on his ranch?
(a) His sister and her husband.
(b) His wife and her sister.
(c) His mother and two daughters.
(d) His wife and two kids.
10. Which group waits for the others to get into position before approaching?
(a) Ma's.
(b) Tetley's.
(c) Winders'.
(d) Mapes'.
11. What is the name of the only valley between the men and Pike's Hole?
(a) Eagle Pass valley.
(b) Hawk's valley.
(c) Pike's valley.
(d) Ox-Bow valley.
12. Which of the trio led by Martin is feeble minded?
(a) Alva Hardwick
(b) Alvin Hartick.
(c) Alton Harchest.
(d) Allan Hartwick.
13. How does Sparks pass the time as he rides along with them?
(a) He preaches the gospel.
(b) He sings mournful gospel songs.
(c) He tells jokes.
(d) He talks to anyone who will listen.
14. Who's ranch does Martin claim to have purchased?
(a) Jerry Johnson's.
(b) Phil Baker's.
(c) Joseph Pedersen's.
(d) Pete Black's.
15. Who does Bartlett recognize?
(a) Donald Martin.
(b) Francisco Morez.
(c) Alvin Hartick.
(d) Jesus Martinez.
Short Answer Questions
1. Who is the focus of the story Gil narrates to Art during their conversation?
2. How was Donald Martin killed?
3. Where does Mr. Swanson come from?
4. Whose voice brought them to a stop?
5. What does Sparks claim is in all men?
This section contains 418 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |
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