The Overstory Test | Final Test - Medium

Richard Powers
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Overstory Test | Final Test - Medium

Richard Powers
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How rich is Neelay said to be among the population of Santa Clara County in "Seeds"?
(a) He is the third richest.
(b) He is the sixty-third richest.
(c) He is the nineteenth richest.
(d) He is the thirty-third richest.

2. By what alias has Mimi been living for several years in "Seeds"?
(a) Mary Rogers.
(b) Andrea Wilson.
(c) Christine Rose.
(d) Judith Hanson.

3. What happens to Olivia's body in "Crown"?
(a) It is sent to sea.
(b) It is dismembered.
(c) It is buried.
(d) It is burned.

4. Who is described as Dorothy's fiance-to-be in "Crown"?
(a) Alan.
(b) Peter.
(c) Jay.
(d) Roger.

5. What is described as "the national bird, up here," where Nick works in "Seeds" (486)?
(a) Eagles.
(b) Mosquitoes.
(c) Red-tailed hawks.
(d) Flying squirrels.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Loki tell Maidenhair and Watchman has happened to Mother N and Moses in "Trunk"?

2. What does Alena read all night while staying in Douglas's home in "Crown"?

3. How much does Mimi's citation for unlawful assembly cost her, according to the narrator in "Trunk"?

4. What is at the top of the pile of books that Dorothy planned to read to Ray when he dies in "Seeds"?

5. Where did a kid kill his mother because she was nagging him to quit playing Mastery 8, according to the narrator in "Crown"?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Patricia respond to the correspondence she receives from her editor in "Trunk"? Why?

2. How has Adam's career progressed in the spanse since the arson in "Crown"?

3. What is The Secret Forest and upon what is it based?

4. Where is Mimas and how is this setting described?

5. Under what circumstances does Ray die?

6. How does Mimi respond to the news of Adam's arrest?

7. Why do Adam and others go to Bitterroots, Montana?

8. What is Mastery and how is it described?

9. When and where is Adam arrested? What is his response?

10. What does Neelay discover in Mastery in "Crown"? How does this information change his outlook about the game?

(see the answer keys)

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