The Overstory Test | Final Test - Medium

Richard Powers
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Overstory Test | Final Test - Medium

Richard Powers
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Approximately how high in the tree are Watchman and Maidenhair when they perform their first tree-sit?
(a) 90 yards.
(b) 50 yards.
(c) 70 yards.
(d) 30 yards.

2. In what park is Mimi sitting when she first appears in "Seeds"?
(a) Mission Dolores Park.
(b) Central Park.
(c) Golden Gate Park.
(d) Prospect Park.

3. Where do Mimi and Douglas go to join 1,000 marchers demanding reform of the Timber Harvest Plan approval process?
(a) Boston.
(b) Salem.
(c) Nashville.
(d) Malvern.

4. How much does Mimi's citation for unlawful assembly cost her, according to the narrator in "Trunk"?
(a) $400.
(b) $300.
(c) $200.
(d) $500.

5. What is another name for the maidenhair tree?
(a) The ginkgo tree.
(b) The maple tree.
(c) The cyclops tree.
(d) The banyan tree.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Mimi forget and return to her office to retrieve after she has been fired?

2. Who comes to speak with Maidenhair and Watchman in the treetop in "Trunk"?

3. Who strips and cleans the van after the death of Olivia in "Crown"?

4. From what novel does Dorothy read to Ray in "Crown"?

5. By what alias has Mimi been living for several years in "Seeds"?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is The Secret Forest and upon what is it based?

2. How does Neelay want to change Mastery in "Crown"? How do his peers respond?

3. What does "releaf" refer to and how is it important in the novel?

4. When and where is Adam arrested? What is his response?

5. Who helps Nick on this project in "Seeds"? What is the significance of these characters?

6. When and where do Adam and Douglas reencounter one another in "Crown"? Why is this encounter important?

7. How do Dorothy and Ray become connected through trees in "Crown"?

8. How has Mimi Ma's life changed in the 20 years since the arson in "Crown"?

9. How does Patricia respond to the correspondence she receives from her editor in "Trunk"? Why?

10. Where is Nick and what is he doing in the beginning of "Seeds"?

(see the answer keys)

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