The Overstory Test | Final Test - Easy

Richard Powers
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Overstory Test | Final Test - Easy

Richard Powers
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where has Douglas found work when he and Mimi go to an action in the Coast Range in "Trunk"?
(a) A construction company.
(b) A hardware store.
(c) An elementary school.
(d) A bakery.

2. What is the name of the tree that Maidenhair and Watchman go to sit in as protest in "Trunk"?
(a) Mimas.
(b) Denali.
(c) Moses.
(d) Yender.

3. What does Alena read all night while staying in Douglas's home in "Crown"?
(a) The Hidden Forest.
(b) The Secret of Trees.
(c) Douglas's journal.
(d) Walden.

4. What causes Ray to collapse in "Trunk"?
(a) He has a stroke.
(b) He is shot.
(c) He has a heart attack.
(d) He has an aneurysm.

5. Where do Mimi and Douglas go to join 1,000 marchers demanding reform of the Timber Harvest Plan approval process?
(a) Boston.
(b) Salem.
(c) Nashville.
(d) Malvern.

6. What tree is described as having survived 9/11 at Ground Zero in "Crown"?
(a) An almond tree.
(b) A Callery pear tree.
(c) A huckleberry tree.
(d) A pomegranate tree.

7. What does Patricia tell Dennis she wants to start in "Trunk"?
(a) A candy shop.
(b) A computer game company.
(c) A seed bank.
(d) A school.

8. What is referred to as the World Tree in "Trunk"?
(a) Denali.
(b) Andreas.
(c) Yggdrasil.
(d) Mimas.

9. What trees is the unnamed man surrounded by in the beginning of "Crown"?
(a) Aspen trees.
(b) Birch trees.
(c) Spruce trees.
(d) Pine trees.

10. What kind of tree is the first in Dorothy and Ray's backyard that she looks up in "Crown"?
(a) A sugar maple tree.
(b) A Douglas fir tree.
(c) An eastern white pine tree.
(d) A sequoia tree.

11. How many trees speak to the man in the beginning of "Crown"?
(a) 5.
(b) 3.
(c) 4.
(d) 7.

12. Where does Neelay's mother spend most of the year in "Crown"?
(a) Banswara.
(b) Beirut.
(c) Mumbai.
(d) Honolulu.

13. What is described as "the national bird, up here," where Nick works in "Seeds" (486)?
(a) Flying squirrels.
(b) Red-tailed hawks.
(c) Mosquitoes.
(d) Eagles.

14. Approximately how high in the tree are Watchman and Maidenhair when they perform their first tree-sit?
(a) 50 yards.
(b) 30 yards.
(c) 90 yards.
(d) 70 yards.

15. Who do Maidenhair and Watchman replace in the tree as sitters in "Trunk"?
(a) Mother N and Moses.
(b) Loki and Moses.
(c) Buzzard and Sparks.
(d) Mother N and Willow.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who comes to resupply Maidenhair and Watchman during their stay in the tree in "Trunk"?

2. What is the answer to the crossword clue "Bud's comforting comeback" in "Crown" (374)?

3. In what park is Mimi sitting when she first appears in "Seeds"?

4. In "Seeds," the narrator states that "As Neelay has learned with the greatest pain: Life has a way of talking to the future. It's called" what (482)?

5. Who strips and cleans the van after the death of Olivia in "Crown"?

(see the answer keys)

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