The Overstory Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

Richard Powers
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Overstory Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

Richard Powers
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through "Ray Brinkman and Dorothy Cazaly" - "Neelay Mehta".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Douglas Pavlicek caretake for a ranch?
(a) Idaho.
(b) Nebraska.
(c) Texas.
(d) Utah.

2. Where does Jorgen Hoel's youngest son begin working after he grows up?
(a) The County Assessor's Office.
(b) The home of his Uncle Walter.
(c) The County Jail.
(d) The State Penitentiary.

3. In what year does the narrator describe Ma Sih Hsuin getting a third-class ticket for the passage to San Francisco in "Mimi Ma"?
(a) 1948.
(b) 1919.
(c) 1954.
(d) 1964.

4. After how many days did the Stanford Prison Experiment come to a close?
(a) 9.
(b) 16.
(c) 6.
(d) 12.

5. Where does Neelay go to study?
(a) Stanford University.
(b) Berkeley University.
(c) Yale University.
(d) Harvard University.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many stitches does Dorothy get after her car accident?

2. What kind of trees are portrayed in the production of Macbeth described in "Ray Brinkman and Dorothy Cazaly"?

3. Where do Ray Brinkman and Dorothy Cazaly audition for Macbeth?

4. When Jorgen Hoel and his wife move to Iowa, how far away are their nearest neighbors?

5. What does the code do that Neelay works on for his father?

(see the answer key)

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