The Outsider: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 191 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Outsider: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 191 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. With what vice does Holly claim to struggle during a conversation with Claude?
(a) Gambling.
(b) Alcohol.
(c) Cigarettes.
(d) Lying.

2. What is the last name of Amber and Jolene, the little girls whose bodies are found on April 25th?
(a) Schwartz.
(b) Miller.
(c) Wilson.
(d) Howard.

3. The story about footsteps takes place in what kind of environment?
(a) A march.
(b) A desert.
(c) A dry creek bed.
(d) A forest.

4. Holly reflects upon the fact that before meeting Bill Hodges, she had experienced how many nervous breakdowns?
(a) 1.
(b) 2.
(c) 0.
(d) 4.

5. The man with the tattooed knuckles tells Jack that he will take away the malady if Jack commits what act?
(a) Perjury.
(b) Murder.
(c) Suicide.
(d) Theft.

6. Which member of the Maitland household wakes the rest of the family with her screams on the night when Fred is preparing to commit suicide?
(a) Grace.
(b) Sasha.
(c) Marcy.
(d) Sarah.

7. Who tells Ralph to shut up long enough to give Holly a chance to finish speaking?
(a) Jeannie.
(b) Yunel.
(c) Heath.
(d) Bill Samuels.

8. Which character is the first to make contact with Holly from Finders Keepers
(a) Jeannie.
(b) Howie.
(c) Ralph.
(d) Alec.

9. With what aspect of Jeannie's theory about the murderer does Ralph find fault?
(a) The murderer's identity as a man of the cloth.
(b) The murderer's identity as a supernatural creature.
(c) The murderer's identity as a woman.
(d) The murderer's identity as a citizen of Flint City.

10. Who visits the Heisman Memory Unit in an attempt to interview Peter?
(a) Alec.
(b) Ralph.
(c) Howie.
(d) Holly.

11. What color does Jack start to believe his sunburn is starting to take on?
(a) Green.
(b) Gray.
(c) Black.
(d) Yellow.

12. The incomplete word contained on the menu turns out to have represented what whole word?
(a) Tuppence.
(b) Coyote.
(c) Cuco.
(d) Wall.

13. Which human character is found to have the words "CANT and MUST" (336) tattooed on his fingers?
(a) Ollie.
(b) Fred.
(c) Claude.
(d) Ralph.

14. What kind of vehicle is Jack driving in his dream in which parts of his body fall off?
(a) A tanker truck.
(b) A sports car.
(c) A van.
(d) A pick-up truck.

15. What is the name of the motel where Jack stays when he arrives in Texas?
(a) Cowpoke Motel.
(b) Sandbag Motel.
(c) Desert Sands Motel.
(d) Indian Motel.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many people in total attend the first meeting of the whole investigative team?

2. To what state does the investigative team fly as a group?

3. In what Ohio city were two young girls murdered by someone resembling Heath?

4. Which character bolts when he sees the investigative team eating inside the motel's cafe?

5. Howie tells the rest of the investigative team that the plane will be delayed to wait for which character?

(see the answer keys)

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