The Orphan Master's Son Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Adam Johnson (writer)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Orphan Master's Son Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Adam Johnson (writer)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Cheju famous for?
(a) Farm land.
(b) Male pearl divers.
(c) Lakes.
(d) Women abalone divers.

2. How deep does Jun Do remember that the Captain said that the ocean was off the east coast of Japan?
(a) 13,000 meters.
(b) 7,000 meters.
(c) 12,000 meters.
(d) 9,000 meters.

3. In Part 1, Chapter 3, what does Jun Do dream?
(a) Being shot.
(b) Sharks biting him.
(c) Drowning.
(d) Making love.

4. In Part I, Chapter 3, where does the woman come from who cares for Jun Do in the afternoons?
(a) Cannery.
(b) Infirmary.
(c) Textile factory.
(d) Automotive factory.

5. What color dress does the second mate's wife barter for in Part I, Chapter 3?
(a) Rose.
(b) Blue.
(c) Green.
(d) Yellow.

6. What does the name Mongnan mean?
(a) Blossom.
(b) Magnolia.
(c) Pearl.
(d) Beauty.

7. Who does Officer So say they will finally kidnap?
(a) Scientist.
(b) Opera singer.
(c) Doctor.
(d) Actress.

8. What do Mongnan and Jun Do pick to eat as they leave the prison camp?
(a) Cabbages.
(b) Carrots and peas.
(c) Potatoes.
(d) Radishes and ginger.

9. What year do the floods come?
(a) 1985.
(b) 1968.
(c) 1918.
(d) 1973.

10. Where does Comrade Buc have a scar?
(a) Left forearm.
(b) Left cheek.
(c) Above his right eye.
(d) Right forearm.

11. In Part I, Chapter 3, what does the Captain bring Jun Do to eat?
(a) Banana.
(b) Soup.
(c) Tuna.
(d) Bread.

12. In Part I, Chapter 4, from where can the radio in the car Jun Do is riding in pick up broadcasts?
(a) Vietnam.
(b) South Korea and Voice of America.
(c) China and Japan.
(d) Thailand.

13. When did the "floating wall" defenders save Pyongyang from invaders?
(a) 1370.
(b) 1136.
(c) 1248
(d) 1492.

14. When the second mate left the boat, what did he take?
(a) Radio.
(b) Flare.
(c) Compass.
(d) Matches.

15. When Officer So commandeers a fishing boat in Chapter 1, what do the fisherman have tattooed on their chests?
(a) God of the sea.
(b) Anchors.
(c) A boat.
(d) Their wives' portraits.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Part I, Chapter 3, what does the Captain think Jun Do should ask for since he is a prisoner?

2. What does Kim John Il wear in Part II, Chapter 1?

3. Who started the trend of young women using only their initials?

4. How many prisoners are incarcerated in Prison Number 9?

5. What is the highest floor of apartment buildings were residents live?

(see the answer keys)

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